The SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West has marked the beginning of Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week 2023 by encouraging all women and girls to get involved in local events.

The Scottish Government, alongside Scottish Women in Sport and Active Scotland, designed this initiative to highlight the importance of sport in achieving gender equality and improving health and wellbeing, to increase female participation and to celebrate the achievements of women and girls in all sports across all levels.

The ultimate goal is to eradicate gender inequality in sport and promote better discussion around women’s health, and this year’s theme is celebrating inclusion of those with all levels of ability.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Scotland’s seventh annual Women and Girls in Sport Week is a fantastic opportunity to encourage more women and girls to get active and to celebrate the many trailblazing role models in women’s sport.

“Being active offers many benefits to women, including better mental health and physical well-being. It can also be an incredible force for good in communities like Renfrewshire, leading to empowerment and a sense of belonging which are too often in short supply for many girls.

“Whilst gender equality within sports has improved at all levels, both on and off the pitch, there remains a huge disparity between male and female participation. That is why the SNP Scottish Government is spearheading the fight for equal opportunities and inclusion for all.

“It is a long-standing priority of the SNP Scottish Government to increase women and girls’ participation in sport and improve awareness of its benefits, as is the commitment to double investment in sport and active living to £100 million by the end of this Parliament.

“As part of this week, women and girls can share and celebrate their achievements on social media by using #SheCanSheWill. I encourage all those who can to get involved!”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes almost £4million in Scottish Government support for Renfrewshire families.

Natalie Don MSP has welcomed new figures that reveal 9,835 children in Renfrewshire are being supported by the Best Start Foods and Best Start Grant payments from the Scottish Government.

Since the Scottish Government’s introduction of the Best Start Grant in 2018 and of Best Start Foods in 2019, £130 million has been paid in support for pregnancy and the early years of raising a family, equating to 1.7 million Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods payments.

These payments are part of the five key benefits that families may be entitled to from Social Security Scotland – the Best Start Grant is comprised of three one-off payments and Best Start Foods is a prepaid card which can be used to buy healthy foods.

Families who qualify for the Scottish Child Payment are now automatically awarded Best Start Grant Early Learning and School Age Payments when their child becomes eligible – from November 2022 until June 2023 14,825 Early Learning Payments and 23,810 School Age Payments were made.

In the first six months of this year, payments worth £3,888,870 have been made to Renfrewshire families.

Tackling Child Poverty

This is another demonstration of the SNP Scottish Government’s commitment to tackling child poverty.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“The Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods payments provide crucial support to families at key stages of their children’s lives, and it is excellent to see thousands of families in Renfrewshire have benefitted.

“This is another demonstration of the SNP Scottish Government’s commitment to tackling child poverty, now automatically accompanying the Scottish Child Payment following last year’s increase to £25.

“However, the reality is that these families are simultaneously feeling the worst effects of the Tory-made cost of living crisis, and the SNP Scottish Government will do all it can to mitigate Westminster’s incompetence, even with one hand tied behind it’s back.

“This kind of vital support for families in Renfrewshire is another indication of what is possible with full social security powers – it’s time for Scotland to have the full powers of an independent nation so that we can build a fairer, more prosperous country.”


The SNP has welcomed poverty groups and experts highlighting the vital impact that the Scottish Child Payment is having on tackling child poverty.

Introduced by the SNP Government as part of Scotland's new social security system, the “game changing” child benefit payment provides families with £25 a week per eligible child. Recent figures have shown that over 300,000 children in Scotland are in receipt of the payment.

Giving evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee, experts said:

Chris Birt, Associate Director for Scotland at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation:

“The Scottish Child Payment is working. It is significantly reducing child poverty. Some people will give you various different numbers, but it is probably 4 or 5 per cent at the moment… it will significantly reduce child poverty. That is a really good thing.”

Bill Scott, Chair of the Poverty and Inequality Commission:

“The Scottish Child Payment has made a significant difference, will continue to make a significant difference.”

The Committee evidence follows recent comments on the Scottish Child Payment by Professor Danny Dorling of Oxford University, who considered that Scottish Child Payment may have caused the largest fall in child poverty anywhere in Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall: “Two out of every seven children in Scotland, their families will get it, and that has an effect on changing the inequality level in Scotland which I don’t see in any country for which there has been data for the last 40 years.”

Senior civil servant, Liz Ditchburn, also recently wrote for the David Hume Institute to ask, ‘Why aren’t more people talking about the Scottish Child Payment?’

She said: “I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve mentioned the Scottish Child Payment to colleagues and friends based elsewhere in the UK (even some involved in public policy work) and been told they’ve never heard of it. The next reaction when I describe the level and scale of this initiative, is ‘Wow! That’s big!’. It is indeed.”

Commenting, Natalie Don, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West said:

"The introduction of the Scottish Child Payment in 2021 was a transformational step from the Scottish Government in tackling child poverty. It has been one of the most important policies introduced since the establishment of the Scottish Parliament and it is encouraging to learn from experts about the positive impact it is having.

"Westminster’s policies and economic mismanagement is causing so much damage and hardship, leaving devolved governments to pick up the pieces. Therefore, its welcoming that the SNP’s game-changing payment is benefitting so many children across Scotland during these times.

"Ultimately, there is only one way we can escape the harm of Westminster control and build a fairer, greener, wealthier Scotland - and that is by becoming an independent country.”


SNP MSP Natalie Don has welcomed the direct action taken by the Scottish Government to help unleash enterprise and entrepreneurship across Renfrewshire North and West.

In the Programme for Government, First Minister Humza Yousaf announced a new £15 million support package that will unleash entrepreneurial talent, support enterprise and entrepreneurship, and create new opportunities to start, scale and sustain businesses.

A further £1.5 million will also be delivered through the Pathways Pre-Start fund to provide support, mentoring and advice to people considering creating a start-up business – this fund will have a particular focus on closing the gender gap and widening participation in entrepreneurship.

These funds will ensure that across Renfrewshire, more high-quality jobs are created, and a sustainable and growing economy is developed. It will also put Scotland on track to become a leading start-up nation.

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

“This commitment from the SNP Scottish Government will help support entrepreneurs to scale up and create high-quality jobs across the constituency.

“It is essential that we help businesses to develop a fair and growing economy, and I hope that this welcome investment will develop a thriving local economy whilst putting Scotland on track to becoming a leading start-up nation.

“While Scotland remains held back by a failing Westminster Government, the SNP Government is using the powers they have to build an economy that drives up living standards, reduces poverty, and sustains high quality public services.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes health measures in the First Minister’s Programme for Government

Natalie Don MSP has said the Scottish Government’s proposals will go a long way to improving the health of the community in Renfrewshire North & West.

The SNP Scottish Government announced plans to establish a Mental Health and Capacity Reform Programme as part of modernising mental health and capacity legislation, enhancing the protection of people’s rights.

The First Minister also committed to taking action to reduce vaping, tackling their environmental impact and consulting on the banning of disposable vapes.

Improving Health and Wellbeing

The First Minister’s Programme for Government demonstrates the SNP’s commitment to improving the lives and wellbeing of people across Renfrewshire North & West.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“The First Minister’s Programme for Government demonstrates the SNP’s commitment to improving the lives and wellbeing of people across Renfrewshire North & West.

“The SNP Scottish Government recognises that too many Scots are dealing with mental health challenges, which are only compounded by cost-of-living pressures, and is determined to take meaningful action to ensure people get the support they need.

“The SNP is also aware of concerns regarding the impact of vaping, both on the increasing number of young people using vapes and on the environment. I am very pleased to see steps being taken to address the impact of these devices.

“As Westminster continues in its intransigence, refusing to take meaningful action to support people during these difficult times, the SNP Scottish Government is determined to do all it can to support people with health issues and protect our environment.”



Natalie Don MSP has warned that damaging Tory and Labour policies are cutting the incomes of thousands of working families after new analysis revealed 1,760 children across Renfrewshire are impacted by the two-child benefit cap.

The analysis, conducted by the SNP using the latest available data from the UK Government Department for Work and Pensions, found that 1,760 children in Renfrewshire are missing out on receiving vital financial support due to the Westminster two child benefit cap.

These findings come on the back of the Labour Party admitting it would keep the Tory two child cap, a policy which has pushed more than 20,000 Scottish children into poverty. In sharp contrast the SNP Government has lifted 90,000 children out of absolute poverty thanks to policies such as the game changing Scottish Child Payment.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“Damaging Westminster policies are cutting the incomes of families across Renfrewshire who are struggling to make ends meet.

“The revelation that 1,760 children in Renfrewshire are being harmed by the Tory’s cruel two child limit policy is shameful – The SNP Government’s national mission to eradicate child poverty is being undermined by Westminster at every step.

“In the Scottish Parliament this week the SNP backed a motion calling out cruel Westminster welfare policies. All the while Labour MSPs sat on their hands and failed to oppose a policy harming 1,760 children in Renfrewshire.

“Families across Renfrewshire are suffering like never before – and while Labour under orders from their London bosses are happy to see this continue – the SNP will stand up against harmful Westminster policies at every opportunity.”


SNP MSP Natalie Don has said the announcement of a new Scottish Education Exchange Programme in the First Minister’s Programme for Government will “open countless doors for young people across Renfrewshire”.

The SNP Scottish Government is to launch a new exchange programme which would prioritise placements for disadvantaged young people, following an initial test and learn project this year.

Principal of the University of Glasgow, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, has welcomed the programme, saying “the return on this investment could be immense” for young people across Scotland.

Welcoming the new Scottish Education Exchange Programme

This will open countless doors for young people across Renfrewshire North & West.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I am very excited about the Scottish Government’s plans to build a new Scottish Education Exchange Programme, which will transform the life experience and open doors for young people across Renfrewshire.

“These plans will give pupils and students across Scotland, regardless of their background, equal opportunities to learn and thrive through EU and global partnerships with schools, colleges and universities.

“Ambitious commitments from the SNP Scottish Government, such as this, will not only enrich the lives of young people by offering them a chance to study abroad and broaden their horizons, they also improve communities like Renfrewshire.

“In the face of a Tory Government at Westminster which continues to deny young people participation in Erasmus+, and a Labour party which refuses to even acknowledge the damage caused by Brexit, the SNP is determined to support the youngest members of our society.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes pay rise for Social Sector workers

“Increasing pay for those who care for the young and vulnerable is vitally important and will make a huge difference to social care workers across my constituency of Renfrewshire North & West”, said Natalie Don MSP.

Natalie Don MSP has welcomed the First Minister’s Programme for Government as crucial to ensuring those who work in child and social care are paid a fair wage.

The First Minister’s announcement means that private and voluntary sector staff working in Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and funded Early Learning and Childcare will be paid at least £12 an hour from April 2024.

This is an increase of more than £2,000 a year for some, and of 10.1% from the minimum rate that was introduced in April 2023 for those eligible. It also represents a minimum increase in pay of 15.2% for workers in Children’s Services who previously received National Minimum Wage.

Increasing pay for those who care for the young and vulnerable is vitally important and will make a huge difference to social care workers across my constituency of Renfrewshire North & West.

Natalie Don added:

“While the minimum wage for adult social care staff is already around £900 a year higher in Scotland than it is in England, this uplift reflects the invaluable work done by those caring for the most vulnerable members of our society.

“The First Minister’s core missions of equality, opportunity and community are at the heart of this Programme for Government; with policies such as these benefitting up to 100,000 workers, of whom four out of five are female.

“The increase also reflects the SNP Scottish Government’s wider priorities on child poverty and fair work while recognising the critical role of these workers in our communities.

“I am very pleased to see the First Minister recognising the work of social sector workers in Renfrewshire North & West”


SNP MSP Natalie Don has welcomed new funding from the Scottish Government to expand early years childcare and free school meals across Renfrewshire North & West.

The First Minister announced in the Programme for Government that in this parliamentary year the Scottish Government will significantly invest to expand free school meals and provisions for early year care.

The funding will ensure that all primary school pupils receive a free school lunch – a vital step to eradicating child poverty in Renfrewshire North & West.  This expands on existing measures that already see all Primary 1 to 5 pupils currently receive free school meals.  

There will also be an expansion of support available for early years childcare to support more young parents go back to work in Renfrewshire North & West. 


Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“This investment from the SNP Government will ensure that working families and struggling households across Renfrewshire North & West are supported through the Westminster cost-of-living crisis.

“Under the leadership of First Minister Humza Yousaf, the SNP Government has made it a national mission to eradicate child poverty. This move to expand free school meals to all primary school pupils during this parliament will go a long way to making sure this becomes a reality.

“Expanding free childcare will also be warmly welcomed by parents across Renfrewshire North & West. 

“Supporting families with affordable and accessible childcare strengthens both employment and the economy.

“Helping families get through the Westminster cost-of-living crisis is the SNP Government’s main priority and expanding childcare and free school meals will help deliver that.” 



SNP MSP Natalie Don has welcomed the news that a pay deal has been agreed for all police officers in Renfrewshire North & West.

A 7% increase to pay and allowances, which will be backdated to 1st April 2023, ensures a cumulative increase of 12.35% in police officer pay since April 2022.

The agreement was reached following extensive dialogue and negotiation through the Police Negotiating Board (PNB) – a body made up of representatives from the Scottish Police Authority, Police Scotland, the Scottish Government, the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS), Scottish Police Federation (SPF) and the Scottish Chief Police Officers Staff Association (SCPOSA).  

Police officers in Renfrewshire North & West perform an essential role in keeping local communities safe and SNP MSP Natalie Don has said that this pay deal recognises the hard work and valuable contribution they make to daily life.

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

“Police officers perform an essential role in keeping communities across Renfrewshire North & West safe and this pay deal recognises their hard work and valuable contribution.

“Despite the difficult financial environment created by Westminster, I strongly welcome the direct action taken by the SNP Government to invest £11.6 billion in policing since 2013 to ensure that people in Renfrewshire North & West remain safe. 

“I would like to recognise and thank those on the Police Negotiating Board who worked in good faith to achieve an agreement that works for all parties involved.

“In Scotland we have an SNP Government that is committed to keeping communities in Renfrewshire North & West safe - whilst also working to support those responsible for doing so through the Westminster cost-of-living crisis.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes focus on childcare in Programme for Government

“There are a number of important policies contained within today’s Programme for Government which will have a direct impact on families and those struggling to get by,” said Natalie Don MSP, commenting on the First Minister’s Programme for Government.

The Programme for Government is published every year at the beginning of September and sets out the actions we will take in the coming year and beyond.

It includes the legislative programme for the next parliamentary year.  The First Minister outlined his key policies which builds on his three missions of delivering equality, opportunity and community.  

Welcoming the Programme for Government

“I welcome the proposals from the First Minister, they will make a real difference for families with an extension of childcare and providing more scope for families to personally manage their childcare.

 The highlights of this programme include enhanced childcare, allowing parents to have more control over their childcare choices, accelerating the next phase in the expansion of childcare for families with 2-year-olds. The programme also highlights funding for social care staff to increase to £12 per hour (from next April), and supporting care leavers into employment.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“I welcome the proposals from the First Minister, they will make a real difference for families with an extension of childcare and providing more scope for families to personally manage their childcare.

“The First Minister has already stated that helping families deal with the cost of living crises was a priority and his programme for government will go some way to doing this with an expansion of childcare including support for increasing the minimum wage for frontline staff working in private, voluntary and independence providers in the early learning and childcare sector.

“Providing funding to enable an increase in the pay of social care workers in direct care roles to £12 per hour will help to retain and recruit staff in this vital sector.

“I warmly welcome the extra support for care leavers into employment, it is important that we continue working to keep our Promise to those with experience of care.  I also welcome the key announcements including supporting women with miscarriages, investment in the Scottish Child Payment and expansion of free school meals as well as the increased investment in more affordable homes.

“The Scottish Government is operating with one hand tied behind our back due to the limitations of devolution and coping with the fallout of Brexit, the disastrous Tory mini-budget and their continued ideological drive for austerity. With Independence we could achieve more for the people of Scotland.”



Shocking new figures have revealed that the DWP’s “callous” sanctions policy has been used against claimants in Scotland over 115,000 times.

The UK Government's own data shows that close to a third of all Universal Credit claimants are at risk of being sanctioned - whereby their benefits are reduced or stopped completely.

The data also showed that between May 2022 and April 2023, the failure to attend or participate in a mandatory interview was the reason for 97% of sanctions given out.

Commenting Natalie Don MSP said:

“These shocking figures show that the cruel Tory benefits sanctions regime - which is punishing the poorest members of our society - must come to an end during this cost of living crisis, to avoid pushing more and more people into poverty.  

“Unfortunately, there have been many cases of people who have missed a bus or been held up in traffic making them slightly late to a jobseekers appointment, which has led to their benefits being sanctioned, yet we have Tory MPs and Ministers who barely turn up for work but never face any sanctions!

“In direct opposition to Westminster, the SNP Government is building a social security system based on values of fairness, dignity and respect. We have uprated benefits in line with inflation, increased the ‘game-changing Scottish Child Payment to £25 a week per child, and implemented the Best Start Grants to help people through the cost of living crisis.

“However, the sad reality is that all of that progress continues to be undermined while we remain under Westminster control. The Tories and Labour have proven time and time again that tackling poverty and making life better for people in Scotland is not on their agenda. This is why Scotland must have the full powers of independence – to build a fairer society for all.”


The Scottish Government’s Cash-First Fund is seeking applications from organisations at the frontline of helping people facing poverty and hardship. Community food initiatives, local authority teams, and money advice services are all invited to apply.

The £1.6 million fund is aimed at public and third sector partnerships to deliver cash grants for food and other essentials, helping to reduce the need for food parcels.

The successful applicants will receive up to £200,000 over two years to deliver activities that improve urgent local access to cash in a crisis.

Public and third sector organisations are invited to apply to the Cash-First Fund by 5pm on Friday 1 September.

Commenting, Natalie Don, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, said:

“Taking a cash-first approach to tackling food insecurity ensures that people can maintain their dignity whilst accessing support. When this is delivered collaboratively, with advice and assistance to strengthen people’s income, it can also help prevent future hardship.

“Local public and third sector services in Renfrewshire know the community best and are well-placed to support households in crisis, so I encourage any organisation which fits the criteria to apply for the Cash-First Fund before the deadline.

“Tackling poverty is a priority for the Scottish Government, highlighted by the fact that Scotland is the first nation in the UK to publish a plan towards ending the need for food banks.

“Measures such as this are vital steps forward in achieving this goal, and I am hopeful that one day, we will live in a Scotland where no one needs to use food banks.”



Cash-First Fund form and guidance:

Cash-First: Towards Ending the Need for Food Banks in Scotland Plan:


Natalie Don MSP has warned that Labour and the Tories are pushing families into poverty, as new analysis has revealed that over 1,300 households in Renfrewshire are being impacted by the bedroom tax.

The analysis, conducted by the SNP using the latest data available from the UK government Department for Work and Pensions, revealed that 1,374 households in Renfrewshire have had their housing benefits cut due to the policy as of February 2023.

Recent figures have also shown that it cost Renfrewshire Council £2,310,208 last year to mitigate the impact of the bedroom tax, amidst the Tory cost of living crisis.

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

“Whilst the SNP Scottish Government spends millions of pounds protecting families by mitigating policies like the bedroom tax, both the Tories and Labour continue to push people in my constituency, and across Scotland, into poverty by supporting this cruel policy.

"This is yet another broken promise from the pro-Brexit Labour Party, who are becoming indistinguishable from the Tories.

“With the full powers of independence, Scotland could rid itself of Westminster control for good – which would make policies like the bedroom tax a thing of the past.”


SNP MSP Natalie Don has welcomed recent figures that show 5,233 affordable and social homes have been completed in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde since 2007 – with 845 completed in 2022/23 alone.

Statistics show that almost 10,500 low-cost ownership, mid-market rent, and social rent homes were completed across Scotland in the financial year 2022/23; bringing the total since SNP affordable housing programmes began in 2007 to over 122,200.

Scotland continues to lead the UK in affordable home provision. Between 2007/08 and 2021/22, the annual average supply of affordable housing per head of population in Scotland has been 13.9 homes per 10,000 population, higher than England (9.7 homes per 10,000 population), Wales (8.0), and Northern Ireland (12.7). The 10,458 affordable homes completed in Scotland in 2022/23 equates to a rate of 19.1 homes delivered per 10,000 population.

The SNP Scottish Government has also announced a further boost of £60 million to reduce the number of households living in temporary accommodation, supporting a national acquisition plan to increase the supply of social and affordable housing.

Welcoming the new figures, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North & South, Natalie Don, said:

“As a result of bold action from the SNP Scottish Government, we can see more affordable and social housing in across the constituency. During this Tory Cost of Living Crisis, it is more important than ever that everyone can access warm, safe, and affordable accommodation to call home – which is why this Affordable Housing Supply Programme really matters.

“Last year alone, 845 high-quality affordable and social homes were built across Renfrewshire and Inverclyde, bringing the total of affordable home completion figure in these areas to 5,233 since 2007. This is supported by the Scottish Government’s five-year, £3.2 billion fund to accelerate affordable home provision, with the aim of delivering a further 110,000 affordable homes across Scotland by 2032.

“Whilst the decisions of the Tory UK Government continue to put pressure on Scottish households, and Labour offer nothing but regressive U-turns, the SNP is showing what progressive government looks like, getting on with the day job and building a new Scotland.”

Natalie Don MSP supporting World Breastfeeding Week

“World Breastfeeding Week (1st – 7th August) helps to highlight the importance of breastfeeding and the benefits it brings to mothers and their babies,” said Natalie Don MSP.

Running from the 1st – 7th August, the theme of this year's World Breastfeeding Week is "Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a difference for working parents". The campaign highlights the impact of workplace support, paid leave, and emerging parenting norms on breastfeeding.  Both UNICEF and the World Health Organisation (WHO) are promoting this week, emphasising the need for greater breastfeeding support across all workplaces to sustain and improve progress on breastfeeding rates globally.

Supportive workplaces are key. Evidence shows that while breastfeeding rates drop significantly for women when they return to work, that negative impact can be reversed when workplaces facilitate mothers to continue to breastfeed their babies.

Family-friendly workplace policies - such as paid maternity leave, breastfeeding breaks, and a room where mothers can breastfeed or express milk - create an environment that benefits not only working women and their families but also employers. These polices generate economic returns by reducing maternity-related absenteeism, increasing the retention of female workers, and reducing the costs of hiring and training new staff.

Natalie Don MSP added:

“This is an important campaign to highlight the benefits of breastfeeding and equally, shine a light on some of the barriers that women face on their breastfeeding journey’s. 

“It is not easy to return to work after maternity leave never mind the added worry of how you and your baby are going to cope if you are breastfeeding. Having employers who are understanding of this and who will facilitate a supportive working environment will help to ensure that mothers are empowered to make their own choices when it comes to feeding their baby.

“A good place to start is the Scottish Government’s Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Scheme. The scheme aims to promote and encourage breastfeeding by providing information and training to businesses, employers, services and organisations on how to make premises friendly and welcoming for nursing mums. There are now over 130 places across Renfrewshire who are signed up and it has been great to see this number continue to rise through the year.“

“I hope this year’s World Breastfeeding Week theme has helped to highlight some of the inequalities that many women still face and inspires action to overcome this.

If you would like to know more about joining the scheme visit:

Bank of England raises Interest Rates: Response from Natalie Don MSP

Natalie Don MSP said:

“The endless increases in interest rates are extremely worrying news for anyone with a mortgage – especially those without a fixed rate deal. 

“This interest rate rise will also impact on those who have loans including credit cards, bank loans and car loans.

“The latest rise in Bank of England interest rates from 5% to 5.25% brings interest rates to a 15year high and is a further sign of the poor state of the economy after 13 years of a Tory led UK government.

“A number of financial commentators such as Martin Lewis of have complained about banks not passing on the increase in Interest rates to savers, accusing the banks of profiteering.  It’s difficult for the public to understand why banks are so swift to increase interest rates for borrrowers but are extremely slow to provide a similar increase to savers. It does feel like the banks are putting profit ahead of their customers.

“This interest rate rise will add more misery to everyone who is struggling due to the Tory created cost of living crisis.”

Natalie Don MSP



Local MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, has slammed Labour’s leader in Scotland, Anas Sarwar, for u-turning on his commitment to abolish the bedroom tax after new figures reveal Renfrewshire was forced to spend £9,012,755  mitigating the Westminster policy.

Labour’s Anas Sarwar promised in 2013 “if we were in government tomorrow, we would abolish the bedroom tax”, before the party’s Economy Spokesperson in Scotland confirmed earlier this week a Labour government now won’t scrap the Tories’ bedroom tax or two-child cap on benefits.

Statistics have revealed that, since 2019, the Scottish Government has spent over £251,000,000 mitigating the bedroom tax through Discretionary Housing Payments.

Further analysis from the SNP has also shown that families in Scotland have been disproportionately hit by the bedroom tax, with one in three (33%) housing benefit claimants in Scotland having their benefits reduced compared to one in six (16%) in England.

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

“Under Anas Sarwar and Keir Starmer, Labour has u-turned on their cast iron commitment to scrap the bedroom tax which is impacting a huge number of my constituents in Renfrewshire North and West.

“In the middle of a cost of living crisis, Labour’s refusal to scrap the cruel bedroom tax and ease the financial pressure on households across Renfrewshire, is a disgrace.

“Anas Sarwar has been taking lessons from his boss Keir Starmer with this barefaced betrayal of working families. After over a decade of Westminster austerity, people are crying out for real change and compassionate leadership – but Labour doesn’t want to listen.

“The SNP Government is being forced to mitigate the bedroom tax to the tune of £2,310,208 a year – money that could be reinvested elsewhere if Labour had the courage to get behind the SNP and end these abhorrent policies for good.”

UK Government must match Scotland’s £500million Just Transition Fund

The SNP has challenged both Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer to commit to matching the Scottish Government’s £500 million Just Transition Fund. 

Natalie Don MSP has said that matching the Scottish Government’s £500million Just Transition Fund is imperative if either of leader of the two main UK parties are actually serious about a green, renewable future. 

This follows the UK’s governments announcement on carbon capture and storage in the north east of Scotland, after more than a decade of delays.
Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:
“If Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer were actually serious about a green, renewable future than they need to match the actions of the Scottish Government in establishing a £500million Just Transition Fund.
“The SNP Scottish Government has shown its ambition by committing £500 million to a Just Transition Fund – but this has to be matched by Westminster.
“Successive UK governments have exploited Scotland’s vast energy resources for decades now to bolster UK finances and the latest announcement by the Tory Government shows that they are at it again. They must now take responsibility and work with the Scottish Government to unlock Scotland’s enormous renewable energy potential.

“From the US to the EU, countries across the world are pouring money into the green energy gold rush, but with the UK government moving at a snail’s pace, Scotland risks being left behind.
“At the next election, only the SNP are offering voters a real alternative with independence – which would give a democratically elected Scottish Government full control over energy policy and enable us to ensure that Scotland becomes the renewable energy capital of the world.
“Scotland has the energy – we just need the power.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes new citizenship plans for an independent Scotland

Natalie Don MSP has welcomed the publishing of ‘Citizenship in an independent Scotland’; a new Independence Paper from the Scottish Government which outlines what an independent Scotland’s vision for a fairer, inclusive and welcoming approach to citizenship would look like, and how this would be key in tackling population decline and growing the economy.

By adopting an inclusive approach to citizenship, as outlined in fifth paper in the SNP Government’s ‘Building a New Scotland’ series, more people would be able and attracted to live and work in Scotland and Renfrewshire North and West; boosting local and national economies and also Scotland’s population.  

The process would be modelled on the Irish citizenship system; allowing those born outwith the country after independence to be automatically entitled to Scottish citizenship, if one of their parents is a Scottish citizen.

The paper also includes proposals for a fairer fee system for citizenship applications and a commitment to establish an independent Migrants’ Commissioners, which was a key recommendation of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review.

This compassionate approach, centred on upholding human rights, is in stark contrast to the inhuman and not-fit-for-purpose immigration system championed by Westminster Tories, who’s Illegal Migration Bill has been heavily criticised for breaching legal obligations to refugees fleeing conflict.


Being a Scottish citizen will be a meaningful, positive outcome of Independence.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP for Renfrewshire North and West:

“Scotland and Renfrewshire North and West wants no part to play in the Tory government’s punitive and exclusionary approach to citizenship and immigration, and I welcome this new paper from the Scottish Government – which shows how we can use an inclusive approach to citizenship in an independent Scotland to grow our population and support our economies to thrive.

“Scotland is known globally for our welcoming people and hospitable traditions, so it’s only right that the approach of an independent Scotland to citizenship reflects this, and leaves no one with a rightful claim out in the cold.

“From a hard Brexit they didn’t vote for to an austerity driven cost of living crisis, people in Scotland are paying a heavy price for being tied to the compassionless Westminster Tories, who’s unelected Lords and over privileged ministers have no place dictating Scotland’s democratic institution. It’s time to choose a better path with independence and build a welcoming and economically prosperous Scotland that leaves the light on for all.”