Support to help families on low incomes with childcare.

Football clubs and trusts across Scotland, including St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation in Paisley, will receive additional funding to boost efforts to eradicate child poverty.

The Scottish Government will double its investment in the Extra Time Programme, a joint initiative with the Scottish Football Association, from £2 million to £4 million for this financial year. The funding will support more free before and after school clubs, and holiday clubs for children from families on low incomes.

By giving around a projected 3,000 children each week free access to sport and other activities which wrap around the school day, the funding will help more parents to enter or sustain employment or training. 

St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation in Paisley are one of the clubs delivering this programme, with their funding from the Scottish Government now increasing to £151,300.

Football activity club funding doubles!

SNP Scottish Government has doubled funding to £4million.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“This funding from the Extra Time Programme is enabling football clubs and trusts to provide really valuable childcare options, particularly for families from low-income households who are most at risk of living in poverty.

“This Programme is a reminder that local football clubs are supporting communities here at home – providing valuable services beyond matchday. They understand the value of that support for local families, and they are well placed to provide crucial facilities and services.

“I am delighted that this further funding will enable St Mirren FC Charitable Trust to provide free fun activities to children and young people across the constituency, helping families with childcare costs and relieving pressure on stretched family budgets.

“By removing barriers to affordable and accessible childcare, we will contribute to the Scottish Government’s goal of eradicating child poverty.”


Help for first-time buyers across the country on low to medium incomes.

A scheme to help first time buyers and certain priority groups step on to the property ladder has reopened for applications.

The Open Market Shared Equity (OMSE) scheme is available across Scotland to first-time buyers on low or medium incomes who cannot afford the full price of a home.

Successful applicants will be able to buy a home without having to purchase it in full, usually between 60% and 90% of the property’s value, with the Scottish Government owning the remaining share.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Taking the first step on to the property ladder can be difficult for some, especially during the cost of living crisis where we have seen inflation and interest rates push house prices up.

“The Scottish Government recognise these barriers and by reopening the OMSE scheme, we are giving help to as many people as possible to own an affordable home by creating a level playing field with other buyers.

“I would encourage anyone in the Renfrewshire North and West constituency who is either a first-time buyer or in one of the priority groups to consider applying through the scheme.”


Up to £500,000 to be shared by local projects.

A fund to trial new ways of combating child poverty has opened for a second round of applications.

The Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund (CPAF) will provide up to £80,000 per grant towards local projects that test and evaluate new approaches which target at least one of the three drivers of child poverty reduction: improving income from employment, supporting people with the cost of living, and increasing awareness and uptake of social security benefits.

New approaches to help eradicate child poverty

Eradicating child poverty is a central mission for the SNP Scottish Government.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Eradicating child poverty is a central mission for the SNP Scottish Government and we must find new and innovative ways to achieve this.

“Measures such as the Scottish Child Payment are estimated to keep 100,000 children in Scotland out of relative poverty this year, but we are determined to go further. The Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund will support projects in Renfrewshire and beyond that target the root causes of child poverty and create lasting change in our communities.

“Local authorities and health boards are already undertaking transformative work to tackle child poverty and this fund will support them to go further and share best practice, to help make child poverty a thing of the past.”


Staff in children's social care services will see their pay increase to at least £12 an hour thanks to new Scottish Government funding.

Backed by over £19 million this year, it will ensure more than 6,000 people working in a direct care role in the voluntary, private and independent sector services receive the pay increase, which could be worth more than £2,000 a year for some staff.

It will help people providing direct care to vulnerable children and young people under the age of 18, including Personal Assistants, and all payments will be backdated and provided for all hours worked from April 2024.

Increasing pay for children’s social care workers was a commitment set out in the 2023 Programme for Government.

Increasing pay for children’s social care staff

New Scottish Government funding will see pay for staff in children’s social care services increase to at least £12 per hour.

SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West and Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise, Natalie Don, said:

“This uplift is an important step forward in supporting our highly valued social care staff across Scotland. The support they provide is invaluable and the Government is committed to ensuring no-one is paid less than the Real Living Wage.

“Children’s social care services couldn’t be delivered without our private, voluntary and independent sector providers and this funding will help support the sustainability of their services.

“The implementation of this uplift would not have been possible without close working with our partners especially with COSLA and with Health and Social Care Partnerships.”



Plans to grow Scotland’s childminding workforce by 1,000 and provide more support to childminders have been announced.

Backed by more than £1 million of Scottish Government funding, the Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) will scale up their successful childminder recruitment pilot programme across the country, starting with 16 local authority areas including Renfrewshire and Inverclyde.

As well as support through the registration process, a £750 start-up grant will be available for newly-registered childminders completing the programme to help set up their new business.

For existing childminders, it will provide more practical assistance and include developing a mentoring scheme – helping to reduce workplace isolation and create networks of support, which will be piloted from January 2025.


The Scottish Government has announced plans to boost Scotland’s childminding workforce by 1,000.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West and Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise, Natalie Don, said:

“Childminders provide vital support to children and parents and are an important part of Scotland’s thriving Early Learning and Childcare sector. They also contribute to child poverty reduction by enabling parents to work, seek work or stay in work. 

“The support provided by the pilot projects to date has made a real difference for the families they help. This investment will not only help us grow the childminding workforce by 1,000, it will also support existing childminders across the Renfrewshire North and West constituency and beyond, which is essential as we look to increase the workforce.


“More details on the Programme for Scotland’s Childminding Future can be found at”




Natalie Don MSP has welcomed the latest figures which show a record number of young carers have received support from the Scottish Government, with over 3,700 receiving a Young Carer Grant in the last year.

Since the payment was launched in 2019, over 12,000 payments totalling £4 million have been made, and since March 2023 almost 1.4m has been paid - almost 60% more than the year before.

The £380 grant is only available in Scotland to those aged 16 - 18 who spends at least 16 hours a week on average caring for someone who gets a qualifying disability benefit.

Record Number of Young Carers supported under SNP Government

Natalie Don MSP encourages people across Renfrewshire North & West to apply for support.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North & West said:

“This SNP Scottish Government is transforming more lives than ever before across Renfrewshire North & West, and will continue to do all it can as we work towards the First Minister’s goal of eradicating child poverty.

“With a social security system built on the principles of dignity, fairness and respect, we can make a real difference – alleviating hardship and supporting those who sacrifice so much to care for their loved ones.

“I am glad this support – which is unique to Scotland – is available to young carers across Renfrewshire North & West, and I would encourage anyone who is not receiving this payment to check if they’re eligible.”


The SNP Scottish Government has unveiled new support for start-up firms in Renfrewshire.

SNP MSP Natalie Don has welcomed the announcement from the Deputy First Minister that £5 million pounds is being invested to grow and nurture high-growth businesses. This package includes funding to develop pre-start up support and increased investment in Scottish EDGE, the business funding competition.

Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes announced these measures to ensure that “innovation is at the very heart of our economy.”

This package comes as figures show that Scotland once again attracted the highest number of UK financial services foreign direct investment (FDI) projects outside of London – highlighting that Scotland continues to be an attractive destination for economic investment.

New Supports for Start-Ups

In Renfrewshire, we have the talent, skills and facilities to develop a strong and vibrant start up economy.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“This investment package from the SNP Government is an important step that will increases opportunities and help develop start-up networks across the constituency and beyond.

“At a time when Scotland is becoming an attractive destination for economic investment – the SNP Government will continue taking every possible action to prioritise growing the economy.”


Immediate focus on Scotland’s priorities.

First Minister John Swinney has declared the priorities that his government will focus on as part of his vision to deliver for all of Scotland.

The Scottish Government will focus on four areas targeted to have the most immediate benefits for people in their everyday lives. They are:

  • Eradicating child poverty

  • Growing the economy

  • Tackling the climate emergency

  • Improving public services

In order for work to be prioritised immediately, the First Minister confirmed he will present his first Programme for Government before the Scottish Parliament’s summer recess.

He also committed to work with Members across the chamber to realise Scotland’s potential, in the spirit of the opening of Parliament 25 years ago.

The First Minister said:

“In setting out my approach to government, I am acutely aware of the economic and fiscal realities we face.

“With that important context, today, I will outline the four priorities that will guide my government’s decisions on policy and budget; the four priorities around which I will work to secure cross-party support, for the good of the people of Scotland.

“Eradicating child poverty, growing the economy and tackling the climate emergency all link together to support my fourth key priority – to improve Scotland’s public services – not as a cost, but as a vital investment in our future health, equality and prosperity.

“I will set out how my government and my cabinet will take practical steps to deliver in these four areas of priority when I present my Programme for Government before the summer recess.

“The Programme for Government will be central to a wider range of decision-making that will happen before the summer on key issues on energy, on oil and gas, on reform of the health service and on taxation. Action will be set out on each, tackling the challenges facing Scotland today.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes June Programme for Government

I fully support John Swinney’s priorities for Scotland, which are focused on the issues impacting people the most during the cost of living crisis. 

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said: 

“I fully support John Swinney’s priorities for Scotland, which are focused on the issues impacting people the most during the cost of living crisis. 

“These aims will ensure that residents across my constituency continue to be lifted out of poverty, work in a thriving local economy, rely on high-quality public services which are free at the point of use, and live in a greener Scotland.”


The number of women being tested for breast cancer is at its highest ever level in Scotland.

More than three in four women (75.9%) took up their screening invitations over the three-year period 2020 to 2023, Scottish breast screening programme statistics indicate.

This is an increase on the previous three-year period (2019-22) when uptake was 74.5% and pre-pandemic (2017-20) when uptake was 72.2%.

The figures also show that all NHS boards individually have met the acceptable uptake standard of 70% for a second year in a row.

Moore women taking part in Breast Screening Programme

The Scottish Government will continue to work with health boards to encourage more women to participate in breast screening and address any barriers they may face in doing so.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I am pleased that more women are attending breast screening appointments and that boards, including Greater Glasgow and Clyde which covers my constituency, have individually met their target for a second year in a row. However, there is more work to be done to reach the achievable target of 80% and to encourage people from more deprived areas to attend their appointments.

“The Scottish Government will continue to work with health boards to encourage more women to participate in breast screening and address any barriers they may face in doing so.”


Bill to exonerate wrongly convicted sub-postmasters.

Sub-postmasters wrongly convicted as a result of the faulty Horizon IT system will automatically be exonerated under proposed legislation introduced to the Scottish Parliament today.

Those whose convictions are quashed under the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill will then be able to access the UK Government financial redress scheme.

The Bill’s passage through the Scottish Parliament will be expedited to allow justice and redress to be delivered to victims as swiftly as possible in line with the UK Bill, which was not extended to cover sub-postmasters in Scotland.


SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“The Horizon scandal is one of the largest miscarriages of justice in the UK, which ruined the lives of sub-postmasters and their families.

“The quickest, easiest route to overturn these would have been for the UK Government to extend their Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill to cover sub-postmasters in Scotland. However, the Scottish Government’s repeated requests for this were refused.

“The Scottish Government’s Bill, therefore, mirrors that of UK legislation to ensure parity for affected sub-postmasters in Scotland with those elsewhere in the UK and to ensure access to the UK Government’s compensation scheme.

“The scale of the scandal and the length of time that the victims have waited for justice means the government is taking an unprecedented step of introducing legislation to right this terrible wrong and asking Parliament for it to be processed as an emergency Bill.

“The Scottish Government will not do anything to jeopardise equality and parity for victims, so the final stage of the Bill cannot be considered in the Scottish Parliament until after the UK legislation has been passed. This will ensure that MSPs can take account of any amendments made to the UK Bill.”


Natalie Don MSP for Renfrewshire North and West has welcomed funding from the SNP Scottish Government for Scottish Refugee Council’s Refugee Support Service, which will help refugees and people seeking asylum in Scotland to settle in Renfrewshire.

The £3.6 million funding, which replaces the now ended EU funding for the services, will be used by the SRC to help people access health, housing, welfare and employment support.

This funding from the Scottish Government will also help provide information and resources and to encourage social connections.

The EU funding which previously funded the service ended in 2023.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“I welcome this vital funding for the Scottish Refugee Council, which underlines the SNP Scottish Government’s commitment to championing the rights of and supporting some of the world’s most vulnerable groups who are fleeing war and persecution.

“It is essential that we take every step possible to make sure refugees and asylum seekers looking to settle in Scotland have access to all the help they need to rebuild their lives in Renfrewshire. Following the inhumane Rwanda Bill that has recently been passed in Westminster, it is vital that refugees are treated with compassion and dignity throughout.

“Our communities are made all the richer for the asylum seekers and refugees who choose to make Scotland their home, and thanks to this continued investment from the SNP Scottish Government, Scotland will continue to leave its door open to those who need it most.”



People in Scotland have received more than £30 million via two SNP Scottish Government benefits to help them deal with increased energy costs this winter, new statistics have shown.   

Winter Heating Payment supports households on low incomes, including older people, disabled people and families with children under five.    

Child Winter Heating Payment helps families of the most severely disabled children and young people.     

The official figures show more than 400,000 Winter Heating Payments of £55.05 were issued between November last year and the end of March. More than 30,000 Child Winter Heating Payments of £235.70 were made in the same spell.    

Winter Heating Payment replaced the UK Government’s Cold Weather Payment in 2023. Most people getting it receive more money on average than via Cold Weather Payment. 

People receive Winter Heating Payment whatever the weather, unlike the Cold Weather Payment when the temperature needs to drop to a specific level.  

The Child Winter Payment, introduced in 2020, is not available anywhere else in the UK. There is also no cap on the number of children who can get it in the same family.   

Support for Energy Bills

I would encourage anyone who is struggling during these tough times to visit the Scottish Government’s Cost of Living website for support and advice.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“The £30.2 million paid over the colder months provides support to those who need it most across Renfrewshire and the rest of Scotland. It is being paid quickly and effectively to help mitigate the worst of the Westminster-made cost-of-living crisis.  

“The Winter Heating Payment guarantees those who qualify a payment every year – in contrast to the UK Government approach which needs the weather to be under a certain temperature for a sustained spell.

“In addition, both the Winter Heating Payment and the Child Winter Heating Payment have recently been increased in line with inflation which means the SNP Scottish Government will be getting more money into people’s pockets in 2024/25.

“I would encourage anyone who is struggling during these tough times to visit the Scottish Government’s Cost of Living website for support and advice.” 


More than £9 million is being made available over the next three years to give people who access social care more choice and control over decisions relating to their care.

This funding builds on an additional £2 billion investment in social care and integration, as part of the Scottish Budget for 2024-25, and delivers on the Scottish Government’s commitment to increase spending by 25% over this Parliament – two years ahead of the original target.

The funding for the national ‘Support in the Right Direction’ programme will enable organisations to deliver independent support and advocacy to help people live independently and participate in all aspects of life.

The grants are part of the Scottish Government’s Self-Directed Support Improvement Plan which empowers people to make informed choices about the support they need.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Through this funding, people and carers across Renfrewshire will be supported to have more choice and involvement in how their social care is delivered.

“The Scottish Government wants everyone accessing social care to feel confident participating in every stage of their social care journey and be equal partners in their care and support decisions, so that they can live a full and independent life.

“The ambition is to have the right independent support available at the right time and place to meet the specific needs of each individual.”


The National Lottery Community Fund, which supports communities to thrive, is distributing £344,922 between seven community groups across Renfrewshire North and West.

Erskine Hospital received a £192,833 grant which will go towards delivering services for veterans at the Erskine Reid Macewen Activities Centre in Bishopton.

Friends of Robertson House received £9,000. This grant will fund activities and classes in Robertson House - a sheltered housing complex in Erskine, serving older people with additional care needs.

£8,759 will be used by Renfrew Association of Growers and Gardeners to establish a weekly men's mental-health group held in Broadloan Community Gardens.

Renfrew Association of Growers and Gardeners received £114,970 which will be used by the group to develop their community-garden activities by retaining the services of a Seasonal Gardener and hiring a new Gardens Coordinator over the next two years. A portion of funding will go towards improving the facilities.

£9,960 has been awarded to Renfrew Care Home Activities Group to help tackle loneliness and isolation by creating a mixed programme of activity for their residents, their friends and family and the wider community including school children.

The Renfrew Over 50’s Swimming Club has received £3,800 to take their members to social dances and on bus trips.

The Welcoming Renfrewshire Families Group received a £5,600 grant which will help to bring local and new families together in a cultural showcase in Renfrew, enabling interactions between the new arrivals and local people, to improve the integration of new families.

Successful Lottery Fund applications to Renfrewshire groups

I am delighted that so many community groups in Renfrewshire have been successful in securing National Lottery funding.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I am delighted that so many community groups in Renfrewshire have been successful in securing National Lottery funding.

“Each of the groups provide a wide range of invaluable support and services to communities within the constituency and I look forward to keeping up with the projects that these grants will fund.”


The Scottish Government has announced an initial £30 million of targeted investment for Q1 of the new financial year, as part of a £300 million plan over the next three years, to help reduce inpatient and day-case waiting lists.

Backed by planned additional investment, this targeted approach will help drive down waiting lists by an estimated 100,000 patients over three years.

Tackling inpatient and day-case waiting times

This initial investment of £30 million will target reductions to national backlogs that built up through the pandemic, including orthopaedic treatment, diagnostics for cancer referrals and patients with the longest waits.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“As the First Minister set out last October, the Scottish Government are committed to accelerating treatment in our NHS and reducing inpatient and day-case waiting lists by an estimated 100,000 patients over the next three years, backed by planned investment of an extra £100 million annually.

“This is all part of the Scottish Government’s programme to drive up productivity and tackle waiting lists. Our actions will further enable NHS Scotland to maximise capacity, build greater resilience and deliver year-on-year reductions in the number of patients who have waited too long for treatment.”


Natalie Don, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire, has highlighted that from yesterday, everyone who receives support from Social Security Scotland will see an increase in the amount of assistance they receive.

In the 2024/25 Scottish budget, despite cuts from Westminster the SNP prioritised helping those who need it the most – which is why all devolved social security payments will be uprated in line with inflation. 

This means that vital supports such as the Scottish Child Payment, the Winter Heating Payment and the Young Carer grant will all go up 6.7% from today.

In the face of a Westminster cost of living crisis, the SNP Government is using their limited resources to support household budgets and ensure those who need it most get the assistance they need.

Social Security Support Increases

It is clear that the SNP Government is taking significant action to protect household budgets in Renfrewshire North and West from a Westminster inflicted cost of living crisis.

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

“Despite brutal Westminster cuts to spending on public services, the SNP Scottish Government has chosen to prioritise helping out those who need it most.

“Social Security Scotland assistance, including the vital Scottish Child Payment, go a long way in ensuring that people in Renfrewshire are not living in poverty.

“From yesterday, each and every one of these support payments will increase by 6.7%.

“Scottish Child Payment, which helps the families of more than 327,000 children, is now worth £26.70 per child per week.

“A person eligible for the highest rate of Adult Disability Payment will receive £184.30 per week.

“Carer Support Payment, Scotland’s newest benefit, has gone up to £81.90 every four weeks. The benefit for unpaid carers launched in three local authorities last year and will be available across Scotland by Autumn 2024.



Long term rent controls would help keep homes affordable for tenants in future, under new legislation to create a fairer, better regulated rented sector.

The Housing (Scotland) Bill, introduced to Parliament last week, sets out how close working with councils will ensure rent controls are tailored to the local needs of tenants and landlords in different parts of the country.

Publication of the Bill, which will be scrutinised and voted on by MSPs, comes as temporary changes to the way rents are decided, through adjudication, come into force. From 1 April, these changes will ensure people are protected from very steep rent rises, following the end of the rent cap. Proposed rent increases after this date will still need to give three months’ notice.


Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Scotland has led the way within the UK in supporting and strengthening the rights of people who rent their homes.

“The Housing Bill sets out our next steps on the path towards a fairer, well-regulated private rented sector, which is good for both tenants and landlords and encourages investment.

“While the Parliament prepares to consider this legislation, the Scottish Government are also taking steps to support tenants with the pressures they are facing here and now. Our temporary changes to the ways that rents are decided will come into place from April 1 – to protect people who may be facing very steep increases as the temporary rent cap comes to the end of its final extension period.”


More than £90 million will be allocated to local authorities in 2024-25 to support eligible households at risk of hardship through the Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme.

The funding enables local authorities to mitigate the impact of UK Government policies such as the ‘bedroom tax’ and the ‘benefit cap’ which can reduce how much universal credit or housing benefit someone receives.

Payments can also be made where Local Housing Allowance doesn’t meet someone’s rent, or if a household is in hardship and struggling to meet their housing costs.

Increased budget for housing costs support

It is clearer than ever that we need rid of Westminster policies for good through independence.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I welcome this funding which will help to bridge the gap between what people need in benefits from the UK Government, and what they actually receive. This can be the difference between a family thriving, or a family experiencing financial hardship.

“The Scottish Government are clear that this is the right thing to do to support households – but we should not be forced to step in and divert money from our own housing and anti-poverty policies because of UK Government welfare reforms.

“It is clearer than ever that we need rid of Westminster policies for good through independence.”


The National Lottery Community Fund, which supports communities to thrive, is distributing £344,922 between seven community groups across Renfrewshire North and West.

Erskine Hospital received a £192,833 grant which will go towards delivering services for veterans at the Erskine Reid Macewen Activities Centre in Bishopton.

Friends of Robertson House received £9,000. This grant will fund activities and classes in Robertson House - a sheltered housing complex in Erskine, serving older people with additional care needs.

£8,759 will be used by Renfrew Association of Growers and Gardeners to establish a weekly men's mental-health group held in Broadloan Community Gardens.

Renfrew Association of Growers and Gardeners received £114,970 which will be used by the group to develop their community-garden activities by retaining the services of a Seasonal Gardener and hiring a new Gardens Coordinator over the next two years. A portion of funding will go towards improving the facilities.

£9,960 has been awarded to Renfrew Care Home Activities Group to help tackle loneliness and isolation by creating a mixed programme of activity for their residents, their friends and family and the wider community including school children.

The Renfrew Over 50’s Swimming Club has received £3,800 to take their members to social dances and on bus trips.

The Welcoming Renfrewshire Families Group received a £5,600 grant which will help to bring local and new families together in a cultural showcase in Renfrew, enabling interactions between the new arrivals and local people, to improve the integration of new families.


Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I am delighted that so many community groups in Renfrewshire have been successful in securing National Lottery funding.

“Each of the groups provide a wide range of invaluable support and services to communities within the constituency and I look forward to keeping up with the projects that these grants will fund.”


Care experienced children and young people will receive further support to improve attainment, attendance and wellbeing throughout their education and beyond.

The Scottish Government will provide £10.5 million to be shared by local authorities across Scotland through the Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund.

Launched in 2018, the funding is provided to local authorities and aims to improve the educational outcomes for care experienced children and young people, supported by the strategic goals of The Promise and the Scottish Attainment Challenge.

The fund has so far provided more than £60 million to deliver initiatives such as mentoring programmes and out of school support.

Commenting, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise, and MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I am pleased to see this further support for care experienced young people through The Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund, which will assist them to continue or re-enter education and help to improve educational outcomes.

“This action is making a real difference to the care experience community across Scotland, as figures have highlighted that more care experienced children and young people are staying in school for longer and achieving higher qualifications.

“Every child and young person should grow up feeling loved, safe and supported flourish. Improving outcomes for care-experienced young people requires a truly national effort, and the Scottish Government will continue to work with local authorities, schools and others to ensure that all young people in Scotland can meet their full potential.”