SNP Scottish Government


Support to help families on low incomes with childcare.

Football clubs and trusts across Scotland, including St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation in Paisley, will receive additional funding to boost efforts to eradicate child poverty.

The Scottish Government will double its investment in the Extra Time Programme, a joint initiative with the Scottish Football Association, from £2 million to £4 million for this financial year. The funding will support more free before and after school clubs, and holiday clubs for children from families on low incomes.

By giving around a projected 3,000 children each week free access to sport and other activities which wrap around the school day, the funding will help more parents to enter or sustain employment or training. 

St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation in Paisley are one of the clubs delivering this programme, with their funding from the Scottish Government now increasing to £151,300.

Football activity club funding doubles!

SNP Scottish Government has doubled funding to £4million.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“This funding from the Extra Time Programme is enabling football clubs and trusts to provide really valuable childcare options, particularly for families from low-income households who are most at risk of living in poverty.

“This Programme is a reminder that local football clubs are supporting communities here at home – providing valuable services beyond matchday. They understand the value of that support for local families, and they are well placed to provide crucial facilities and services.

“I am delighted that this further funding will enable St Mirren FC Charitable Trust to provide free fun activities to children and young people across the constituency, helping families with childcare costs and relieving pressure on stretched family budgets.

“By removing barriers to affordable and accessible childcare, we will contribute to the Scottish Government’s goal of eradicating child poverty.”


Help for first-time buyers across the country on low to medium incomes.

A scheme to help first time buyers and certain priority groups step on to the property ladder has reopened for applications.

The Open Market Shared Equity (OMSE) scheme is available across Scotland to first-time buyers on low or medium incomes who cannot afford the full price of a home.

Successful applicants will be able to buy a home without having to purchase it in full, usually between 60% and 90% of the property’s value, with the Scottish Government owning the remaining share.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Taking the first step on to the property ladder can be difficult for some, especially during the cost of living crisis where we have seen inflation and interest rates push house prices up.

“The Scottish Government recognise these barriers and by reopening the OMSE scheme, we are giving help to as many people as possible to own an affordable home by creating a level playing field with other buyers.

“I would encourage anyone in the Renfrewshire North and West constituency who is either a first-time buyer or in one of the priority groups to consider applying through the scheme.”


Up to £500,000 to be shared by local projects.

A fund to trial new ways of combating child poverty has opened for a second round of applications.

The Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund (CPAF) will provide up to £80,000 per grant towards local projects that test and evaluate new approaches which target at least one of the three drivers of child poverty reduction: improving income from employment, supporting people with the cost of living, and increasing awareness and uptake of social security benefits.

New approaches to help eradicate child poverty

Eradicating child poverty is a central mission for the SNP Scottish Government.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Eradicating child poverty is a central mission for the SNP Scottish Government and we must find new and innovative ways to achieve this.

“Measures such as the Scottish Child Payment are estimated to keep 100,000 children in Scotland out of relative poverty this year, but we are determined to go further. The Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund will support projects in Renfrewshire and beyond that target the root causes of child poverty and create lasting change in our communities.

“Local authorities and health boards are already undertaking transformative work to tackle child poverty and this fund will support them to go further and share best practice, to help make child poverty a thing of the past.”


Natalie Don MSP for Renfrewshire North and West has welcomed funding from the SNP Scottish Government for Scottish Refugee Council’s Refugee Support Service, which will help refugees and people seeking asylum in Scotland to settle in Renfrewshire.

The £3.6 million funding, which replaces the now ended EU funding for the services, will be used by the SRC to help people access health, housing, welfare and employment support.

This funding from the Scottish Government will also help provide information and resources and to encourage social connections.

The EU funding which previously funded the service ended in 2023.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“I welcome this vital funding for the Scottish Refugee Council, which underlines the SNP Scottish Government’s commitment to championing the rights of and supporting some of the world’s most vulnerable groups who are fleeing war and persecution.

“It is essential that we take every step possible to make sure refugees and asylum seekers looking to settle in Scotland have access to all the help they need to rebuild their lives in Renfrewshire. Following the inhumane Rwanda Bill that has recently been passed in Westminster, it is vital that refugees are treated with compassion and dignity throughout.

“Our communities are made all the richer for the asylum seekers and refugees who choose to make Scotland their home, and thanks to this continued investment from the SNP Scottish Government, Scotland will continue to leave its door open to those who need it most.”