104,000 children have been supported by the Scottish Child Payment since its introduction, according to figures released by the Scottish Government - with £84 million having been paid to families.

Since its introduction 18 months ago, the Scottish Child Payment of £20 per week per child has been hailed 'an absolute game changer in the fight to end child poverty' by anti-poverty charities and described as a “lifesaver" by parents. 

The payment, unique to Scotland, provides regular financial support to parents and carers to help with the costs of caring for a child and latest research has also found that the payment is contributing to reducing child poverty in Scotland.

The Scottish Child Payment is set to increase to £25 per week and be rolled out to all children up to 16 years old by the end of the year.

Commenting SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

"During a Tory-made cost of living crisis, it is great to see the progress being made with the SNP's Scottish Child Payment - especially knowing the huge difference it is making to families across Scotland.

Natalie Don MSP speaking in the Scottish Parliament

"As the pressures on household finances become even greater and families are struggling to get by, we know the Scottish Child Payment is providing lifesaving support for some of the most vulnerable in our communities. 

"Sadly, we know that the cost of living is only set to increase so I am glad that families will benefit even further from this payment increasing to £25 per week and being extended to under 16 year olds by the end of the year. 

"During these difficult times, the Scottish Government is taking the bold action it can to support families with the powers at its disposal but sadly it is battling against a cruel Tory Westminster government refusing to take any meaningful action to help people.

"This level of negligence by Westminster is inexcusable and illustrates the only way to build a fairer country is for Scotland to have the full welfare and tax powers of an independent country."