Victims in rape and serious sexual assault cases in Scotland will be the first in the UK to have access to transcripts from their court cases free of charge.

The year-long pilot, commencing this week, will see those whose cases are heard in the High Court be eligible to apply for transcripts of what was said in court.

Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I very much welcome this step from the Scottish Government which will help to ensure that we have a trauma-informed justice system, helping to support survivors of rape and serious sexual assaults.

“Many survivors in Scotland have shared their experiences of the court process, stating that it can be very traumatic and it can be difficult to take in what is said in court at the time. Being able to obtain transcripts, where they can go over exactly what was said in court in their own time, can help their recovery.

“Survivors have reported that the costs of paying for transcripts can be prohibitive, so the Scottish Government’s pilot will provide £100,000 funding for court transcripts in these High Court cases. They will also continue to work with the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service to see how the application of new technology might help minimise the cost of producing transcripts for all those who wish to access them.

“I hope that the pilot, along with the proposed reforms in the Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill, will help to improve sexual offence victims’ experience of the justice system so they can have confidence in it.”