Natalie Don congratulates Anderson’s Home Bakery on 100th Anniversary

“I was delighted to pop into Anderson’s Home Bakery in Bridge of Weir to present them with a Parliamentary motion I lodged congratulating them on their recent 100th anniversary celebration,” said Natalie Don MSP.

Anderson’s Home Bakery in Bridge of Weir recently celebrated their 100th anniversary, serving the residents of Bridge of Weir and surrounding areas.  Throughout the various Covid lockdowns Anderson’s showed its commitment to he local area by not only remaining open but also provided deliveries for local residents, prioritising vulnerable or high risk customers.

Natalie Don MSP added:

“Anderson’s has been a staple of the Bridge of Weir community for as long as I can remember, one of my fondest memories from when I was younger was my Gran getting home on a Friday with a huge bag from Anderson’s to set us up for the weekend.

“It’s amazing to think how many generations have enjoyed their goods over the years. 100 years is a brilliant achievement and I wish Anderson’s all the best for the future.”

Motion Number: S6M-06233
Lodged By: Natalie Don
Title: Anderson's Home Bakery, Bridge of Weir
Motion Text:

That the Parliament congratulates Anderson’s Home Bakery of Bridge of Weir on celebrating its 100th anniversary; considers that Anderson’s has been keeping residents of Bridge of Weir and the surrounding areas well supplied with excellent cakes, pastries and other baked goods for the past 100 years; notes the ongoing contribution it believes that Anderson’s Home Bakery made to the local community during the various COVID-19 lockdowns, when it remained open and provided deliveries for residents of Bridge of Weir, including prioritising vulnerable or high risk customers, and wishes Anderson’s Home Bakery all the best for the future.