Natalie Don MSP highlights deadline for School Age Payment

“It’s important that parents and guardians are aware of the approaching deadline for the Best Start Grant School Age Payment,” said Natalie Don MSP.

Parents and guardians who get qualifying benefits or tax credits and who have a child born between 1 March 2017 and 28 February 2018 are being urged to check whether they should apply for Best Start Grant School Age Payment as the deadline of 28th February approaches.  This one-off payment of £267.65 per child can be used for books, bags, clothes and equipment for school.

The Scottish Government introduced automatic payments for Early Learning Payment and School Age Payment in November 2022. Parents and guardians who get Scottish Child Payment will get School Age Payment automatically when their child reaches eligibility and within the School Age Payment window of 1 June to 28 February.

There are some people who don’t qualify for Scottish Child Payment that could be eligible for School Age Payment, including those who get housing benefit. There may be others who choose not to apply for Scottish Child Payment who can still apply for School Age Payment. There are also parents and guardians who opted out of automatic payments so they could have more control around when they receive this money. All of these people are being urged to check if they could be due School Age Payment and to apply if they do.  

Statistics last week revealed that more than £105.8 million has been paid by Social Security Scotland in the Best Start group of payments – which also includes Pregnancy and Baby Payment and Early Learning Payment. 

Natalie Don MSP added:

“If you have a child in the family aged five, or who turns five this month, then you could be eligible for School Age Payment. 

“We are making it easier than ever to apply but we still ask people to check and make sure they know what they are entitled to.

“The Best Start Grant payments, which include School Age Payment, were the first three of our five family payments to be introduced.

“To date we’ve provided more than £100 million across these three payments.

“Making these payments automatic, where we have the information to do so, will enable us to get this money to families at key stages in their child’s development and when they may face additional costs



School Age Payment is not directly linked to taking up a school place but the age of the child. If the child’s school start has been deferred until next year, or if the child is not going to start school at all, parents or carers should still apply for the payment by 28 February 2022. 

Qualifying benefits include: Universal Credit, Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Pension Credit, Housing Benefit, Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit. 

Best Start Grant is a package made up of three one-off payments: Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Early Learning Payment and School Age Payment.

Further information can be found at or by calling 0800 182 2222.