Natalie Don MSP is encouraging Renfrewshire residents to share their views on the Scottish Government’s new National Litter and Flytipping Strategy which is proposing a range of measures to prevent litter and flytipping as well as strengthening enforcement.
The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West is urging local people to input their opinions via a consultation about the Scottish Government’s strategy which could see fines for flytipping more than doubled from £200 to £500 – the maximum permitted by current legislation – or possibly increased beyond this cap.
Natalie Don MSP is encouraging Renfrewshire residents to take part in the Scottish Government’s National Littering and Flytipping Strategy.
Natalie Don MSP said: “I am pleased to see the Scottish Government is proposing to take important steps towards achieving a Scotland where our streets, parks and public spaces are free of litter and flytipping.
“I was proud to pioneer Team Up to Clean Up, one of Renfrewshire Council’s most successful campaigns which highlights the importance of our natural environment and encourages community involvement and action to clean up areas, but it is essential, as a society, that we tackle littering and flytipping before they become a visible problem.
“It’s great to see that the government is proposing a sustained campaigning push, informed by research showing the reasons why anti-litter measures are still not reaching some people, and taking more targeted actions, driven by data about where and when flytipping takes place, to become more effective in clamping down on illegal dumping.
“I urge Renfrewshire residents to take the opportunity to get involved in the government’s consultation and share their views on how the new strategy can eradicate littering and flytipping in all our communities.”
For more information about the government’s consultation, which ends on 31 March 2022, go to