Natalie Don MSP is encouraging small businesses in Renfrewshire to sign up for a new Scottish Government backed gift card scheme which has been launched to encourage people to shop locally.
The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West is backing the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card initiative which is being rolled out in Renfrewshire and involves no registration costs for businesses who can sign up easily and quickly to appear on the scheme’s online directory.
Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP), the organisation spearheading the Scotland Loves Local Campaign urging people to spend locally, is launching the gift card in partnership with fintech specialists Miconex.
Natalie Don MSP in Renfrew town centre encouraging local businesses to register with the Scotland Loves Local Campaign.
Natalie Don MSP said: “The innovative new Scotland Loves Local Gift Card programme, supported by the SNP Government, has the potential to drive up local spending and help many of the small businesses across Renfrewshire North and West which have experienced challenging circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I encourage local companies and independent retailers to sign up to the gift card scheme and I would be delighted to discuss the opportunities this initiative presents with representatives from small businesses throughout the constituency.
“As Renfrewshire embarks on economic recovery, I urge everyone to continue supporting businesses in each of our communities by shopping locally at every opportunity and buying the Scotland Loves Local gift cards when they become available later in the year.”
Phil Prentice, STP Chief Officer, said: “We have never valued local life, the people and businesses around us more and the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card initiative embraces that. We can’t wait to see people loving local life by using the gift card, whether that be while out shopping, meeting friends for a coffee or meal. This is an ideal way of supporting the brilliant businesses in our communities.
“These gift cards will be a remarkably powerful way of unlocking spending potential and keeping that money in local communities for longer. The more businesses that sign up, the better the local experience will be. We have had tremendous interest and support so far.”
For details and to register for the scheme, go to