Natalie Don Welcomes Research That Examines How Communities Responded to the Pandemic 

SNP candidate Natalie Don has welcomed a new report that has shown the extent to which communities have risen to meet the challenges presented by Covid-19. ‘Together We Help’ has been published this week, and charts the community response to the pandemic.

The report shows that when Scotland first went into lockdown in March 2020, a wave of uncertainty and fear was felt throughout society as people were told to stay at home, to save lives. But as schools, shops and offices closed, communities did not. Local people and grassroots groups were quick to come up with innovative ways to help during the crisis. Social action accelerated and became a central feature of Scotland’s response to the lockdown and ongoing challenges of coronavirus.

In July 2020 Social Action Inquiry partners commissioned The Collective to lead on a short-term piece of research to capture the stories and lessons learned from communities coming together to help. From food drop offs to phone calls to isolated neighbours, volunteering and wellbeing support, the research brings to life the ways people developed creative approaches to make a difference. The final research report Together We Help is now available and shines a light on the power of communities to mobilise and initiate social action in response to the issues that matter to them.

Eighteen community researchers gathered insights from 367 people involved in social action in their local areas, asking what inspired them to be involved and what lessons can be learned to build a fairer Scotland.

The research suggests that the stigma associated with accessing support such as foodbanks in times of need may have reduced as demand for these vital services increased dramatically throughout lockdown in 2020. Community researchers also found that offering support and participating in local responses to the coronavirus crisis was both a ‘blessing and a curse’ as while it helped people to feel more connected to their community, it also increased awareness and feelings of frustration at the growing levels of inequality on their doorstep.

Councillor Natalie Don said,

“The altruism and community spirit that I have experienced locally in Renfrewshire North and West has been truly fantastic by many local groups, community champions and generally caring  individuals. This research from our communities is welcome and it highlights the togetherness that has been shown in our local areas through the hardest of times over the last year.”

This report also highlights the cold reality many people in our area face and the brutal financial inequalities that exist right in front of our eyes. Protecting people financially, achieving a reasonable standard of living and life happiness for all of our friends, families and neighbours should be our focus in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.

“As we recover from the pandemic it is the voices of our communities that matter the most to me on how we truly improve our area for everyone here. We must build towards a future that puts real people and real problems that the people in Renfrewshire North and West are facing first and foremost.”
