Applications for medical training posts in Scotland are at record levels with more junior doctors joining the NHS than ever before.

Data from NHS Education for Scotland shows that 1,231 posts were advertised throughout 2023 and 94% (1,156) of these filled successfully. This includes all entry-level posts in anaesthetics, radiology, emergency medicine, surgery and psychiatry. GP training programmes have been filled at 100% for the first time.


Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I welcome these figures, which makes clear that Scotland continues to perform strongly in the field of medical education and training.

“This reflects the commitment and dedication of our brilliant NHS staff who deliver high quality training while also caring for their patients, alongside the SNP Scottish Government’s continued investment in expanding our medical workforce and improving conditions.

“Last year BMA Junior Doctors accepted a record pay deal in Scotland, the single biggest investment in Junior Doctor pay since the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999. This maintains our commitment to make Scotland the best place in the UK for Junior Doctors to work and train.

“I’m delighted to see so many junior doctors are choosing to practice medicine in Scotland, with some being placed at the Royal Alexandra Hospital just outside the constituency.”