Natalie Don calls for Renfrewshire Council to sign up to the Edinburgh Agreement on Biodiversity.

SNP candidate for Renfrewshire North & West, Councillor Natalie Don, has raised a motion for this weeks full council meeting calling for Renfrewshire Council to sign up to the Edinburgh Agreement on Biodiversity.

This declaration is being supported by many Scottish Councils in an effort to halt biodiversity loss. Councils have a central role to play in delivering this objective.

The declaration itself calls for a collective commitment to raise ambition for nature’s recovery and recognises both society’s collective failure to halt biodiversity loss and the urgent need for transformative action across land and sea.

SNP candidate Natalie Don stated,

“Biodiversity and climate change are closely linked. This is about our stewardship of the planet for future generations - something I am acutely aware of with a young child. We are in the midst of a climate emergency and with targets to reduce all greenhouse emissions in Scotland by 2045, we need to take steps now.”

“Biodiversity refers to the variety of plant and animal life in a specific habitat however there are many ways that we as humans benefit from biodiversity, whether that’s through our natural resources, food production, medicine or even job creation. The global pandemic has also been a further reminder for many of us of the importance of nature and our surroundings, for both our mental and physical wellbeing. We need to ensure our natural environment is both protected and enhanced for our own sake and for future generations.”

“This agreement seeks to prioritise Renfrewshire’s commitment towards biodiversity and our natural environment. If we are serious about tackling climate change, ending biodiversity loss and providing new green opportunities for employment and production, this agreement will be vital going forward. I hope all councillors will agree to this motion at Thursday’s meeting. “
