Charities providing support to pregnant women, new mums and their families are to share £1.5 million expand and enhance their mental health and wellbeing services. 

It has been estimated that up to 20% of mums and up to 10% of dads are affected by poor mental health in the perinatal period.

The Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund, which is now open for applications, enables organisations to provide a range of one-to-one and group-based support and care for parents, carers and new babies. Over 10,000 parents, expectant parents and infants have been supported by existing funded organisations since 2019. The new round of funding will start from October 2024.


Commenting, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“It is crucial that all parents have access to good mental healthcare throughout pregnancy and the postnatal period, which is why the Scottish Government is dedicated to supporting the vital third sector organisations that provide access to these services

“This latest round of funding of up to £1.5 million, building on previous awards of over £2.8 million over four years, is designed to increase the provision of parenting and infant support, peer support and counselling or psychological support. The Fund will enable organisations to provide the services that women and their families need.

“On top of the baby box, the Young Patients Family Fund, the provision of free vitamins, plan to improve maternity and neonatal care, the Family Nurse Partnership, and much more action taken by the Scottish Government, it is clear that we are working hard to make Scotland the best place to live and start a family.”