Tory Austerity Driving Down Health in Renfrewshire North and West

“This report highlights the negative impact that Tory austerity policies are having on ordinary people,” said Natalie Don MSP (SNP- Renfrewshire North and West).

People across Renfrewshire North and West are suffering as a result of Tory cuts which have been slammed as ‘catastrophic’ in a new report by top researchers.

The Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH) found that people in Scotland feel their health is deteriorating from a younger age than previously. The study found that people in Scotland started to feel their health decline from age 46, a decline from 51 in 2009.

Dr David Walsh from GCPH described the finding as ‘terrifying’ and laid the blame squarely at the door of the Tory UK government and its cuts to social security payments. Dr Walsh also commented that ‘this should not be happening in a wealthy country like the UK’.

Natalie Don MSP added:

“This report lays bare the appalling record of this callous Tory UK government as they continually slash support from those in Renfrewshire North and West that need it most.

“People in Renfrewshire North and West should not be feeling their health decline earlier than they did a decade ago - we are a wealthy country that can look after our citizens but sadly Westminster control is resulting in this devastating reality.

“While I’m very glad the SNP Scottish Government has introduced a number of social security payments to support households across Scotland, including the ‘game-changing’ Scottish Child Payment, we are continuing to act with one-hand tied behind our back by a UK Tory government that removes support at time when people need it most.

“These conclusions also come out just a week after another Glasgow University study that has found that UK Tory austerity is causing people to die younger - report after report highlighting the brutal consequences of Westminster control

“We can, and must, do better. It is beyond doubt now that we need the full powers of independence so we can build a fairer, more equal society for everyone in Renfrewshire North and West and right across Scotland.”


Trends in healthy life expectancy in the age of austerity | Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health - BMJ

Westminster blamed for 'good health' slump in Scotland – Herald, 7 June 2022