Natalie Don MSP is encouraging Renfrewshire residents to share their views on the Scottish Government’s new National Litter and Flytipping Strategy which is proposing a range of measures to prevent litter and flytipping as well as strengthening enforcement.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West is urging local people to input their opinions via a consultation about the Scottish Government’s strategy which could see fines for flytipping more than doubled from £200 to £500 – the maximum permitted by current legislation – or possibly increased beyond this cap.

Natalie Don MSP is encouraging Renfrewshire residents to take part in the Scottish Government’s National Littering and Flytipping Strategy.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I am pleased to see the Scottish Government is proposing to take important steps towards achieving a Scotland where our streets, parks and public spaces are free of litter and flytipping.

“I was proud to pioneer Team Up to Clean Up, one of Renfrewshire Council’s most successful campaigns which highlights the importance of our natural environment and encourages community involvement and action to clean up areas, but it is essential, as a society, that we tackle littering and flytipping before they become a visible problem.

“It’s great to see that the government is proposing a sustained campaigning push, informed by research showing the reasons why anti-litter measures are still not reaching some people, and taking more targeted actions, driven by data about where and when flytipping takes place, to become more effective in clamping down on illegal dumping.

“I urge Renfrewshire residents to take the opportunity to get involved in the government’s consultation and share their views on how the new strategy can eradicate littering and flytipping in all our communities.”

For more information about the government’s consultation, which ends on 31 March 2022, go to


Natalie Don MSP has welcomed the Scottish Government’s Budget announcement today which confirmed a range of targeted measures aimed at supporting low income families in Renfrewshire and across Scotland.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West hailed the Scottish Budget commitments prioritising tackling inequalities and helping to reduce increasing financial pressures being experienced by the poorest people in communities, including the following pledges:

  • More than £4 billion in social security and welfare payments, supporting low income families, carers and disabled people - including £41 million for the Scottish Welfare Fund and £80.2 million in Discretionary Housing Payments.

  • Nearly £200 million will go directly to lift children across Scotland out of poverty, including the doubling of the Scottish Child Payment to £20 per week.

  • Over £72 million to expand free school lunches for all children in P1-5 and support the infrastructure to roll-out lunches to all primary children.

  • £200 million for the Scottish Attainment Challenge as part of the SNP's commitment to provide £1 billion to tackle the poverty-related attainment gap.

  • £544 million to deliver free funded early learning and childcare for three and four year olds, and two year olds from lower income households.

Natalie Don MSP welcomes the Scottish Government’s targeted measures aimed at supporting low income families in Renfrewshire and across Scotland.

Natalie Don MSP said: “While the out-of-touch Westminster Tory government continues to hammer the most vulnerable people in our communities and plunges families into poverty, I am pleased to see the SNP Government is taking important steps in providing much-needed support for low income families in Renfrewshire and across Scotland.

“Although the COVID-19 pandemic has been exceptionally difficult for many people, it has been particularly devastating for families with the lowest incomes so I welcome this Scottish Government’s Budget’s targeted approach towards reducing inequalities by helping those who need supported most, as the SNP continues our national mission to eradicate child poverty.

“Whilst Boris Johnson stumbles from one crisis to another, the Scottish Government is getting on with the job of providing security and stability for the poorest people in our society and this Budget shows exactly why we need full powers over all social security decisions in the Scottish Parliament.

“It is no surprise to see independence becoming an increasingly attractive prospect for more and more people in Scotland when the stark differences between the Westminster and Holyrood governments becomes clearer by the day.”

For more details about the Scottish Budget, go to


Natalie Don MSP is encouraging Renfrewshire residents witnessing or experiencing domestic abuse to report the incidents to police and contact organisations providing specialist advice and support for victims often living in traumatic circumstances.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West’s call comes following figures published by the Scottish Government showing the number of reported domestic abuse incidents in Renfrewshire was 2,118 in 2020/21 and Police Scotland figures released this week revealing 1,431 domestic abuse incidents were reported in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde between April and September this year.

Natalie Don MSP encourages Renfrewshire residents witnessing or experiencing domestic abuse to report the incidents to police and contact organisations providing specialist advice and support for victims.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I thank Police Scotland and multi-agency local partners for their ongoing dedicated work in helping people in our communities who have experienced domestic abuse into safe environments.

“The fact that there were 2,118 reported incidents in 2020/21 is a stark reminder of the completely unacceptable levels of domestic abuse that occur in Renfrewshire and, as a society, we clearly need to do more to foster a zero tolerance approach by challenging the horrendous attitudes and behaviours which often underpin domestic abuse.

“A person’s home should be a place of safety but, unfortunately, the vast majority of domestic abuse incidents take place in households, with women disproportionately accounting for around four in five victims.

“No-one should be subject to domestic abuse and no child should have to witness this growing up. I urge all Renfrewshire residents who either witness or experience domestic abuse incidents to find the confidence to speak out by contacting specialist helplines and the police to ensure victims can be provided with the support that they require and the perpetrators brought to justice.”

People in Renfrewshire concerned about domestic abuse can contact:

  • Police Scotland on 999 for emergencies and 101 for non-emergencies

  • Women and Children First on 0300 300 0345 or

  • Renfrewshire Women's Aid on 0141 561 7030 (9am - 4pm)

  • Scotland's 24-hour Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0800 027 1234

  • Galop LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0800 999 5428

  • Men's Advice Line on 0808 801 0327


Natalie Don MSP is encouraging Renfrewshire residents to share their views on the Scottish Government’s proposals to launch a new heating benefit to help low income households in Renfrewshire and across Scotland.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West is urging local people to input their opinions via a consultation about the Scottish Government’s planned Low Income Winter Heating Assistance payment of a guaranteed £50 for qualifying households every winter from 2022, which will replace the UK Government’s Cold Weather Payment scheme.

The current UK Government benefit triggers a £25 payment only when temperatures are recorded or forecast at below zero degrees Celsius for seven days in a row, whilst the Scottish Government’s replacement Low Income Winter Heating Assistance benefit would provide financial stability regardless of the exact temperatures.

Qualifying benefits for the Low Income Winter Heating Assistance payment are proposed to include Pension Credit, Income Support, income-based Jobseekers Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Universal Credit and Support for Mortgage Interest.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I am pleased to see the SNP Government is taking important steps towards supporting low income families in Renfrewshire and across Scotland who may need help paying to heat their homes during future winter periods.

“There have been some years when the UK Tory Government has provided only one or no Cold Weather Payments at all but, thankfully, the Scottish Government’s new Low Income Winter Heating Assistance would be guaranteed, irrespective of whether the temperature is forecast or recorded as zero degrees Celsius for seven days in a row, and will double the support for more households at risk of fuel poverty and which need extra help with heating costs during the coldest months of the year.

“I urge Renfrewshire residents to take the opportunity to get involved in the government’s consultation and share their views on the various policy aspects of this vital proposed benefit before it is finalised.”

For more information about the government’s consultation, which ends on 23 February 2022, go to


Natalie Don MSP has welcomed the Scottish Government’s announcement today that Scottish Child Payment will be doubled to £20 per week per child from April 2022.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West hailed the increase in the payment, which provides essential support for low income families with children aged under six.

Parents who receive qualifying benefits such as Universal Credit, Child Tax Credit, Income Support, Pension Credit, Working Tax Credit income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) or income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) can apply for the Scottish Child Payment.

Natalie Don MSP welcomes the Scottish Government’s announcement about doubling the Scottish Child Payment.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I am proud that the SNP is delivering the most ambitious anti-poverty measure in the UK in the shape of the Scottish Child Payment which is designed to improve the everyday lives of children in low income families in Renfrewshire and across Scotland.

“With rising energy costs and the UK Tory Government’s callous cut to the Universal Credit £20 uplift bringing further hardship and plunging more local families into poverty, I am delighted that the Scottish Government has acted quickly to protect children in our communities who need supported most.

“With out-of-touch Westminster Tory politicians continuing to decide the vast majority of welfare policies which are having such damaging impacting on the most vulnerable people in our society, the Scottish Government’s doubling of the Scottish Child Payment shows exactly why we need full powers over all social security in the Scottish Parliament to complete our national mission of eradicating child poverty.”

The benefit, which is unique in the UK, will be fully rolled out to children under the age of 16 by the end of 2022, subject to data on qualifying benefits being received from the UK Government’s Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).

Parents can apply for the benefit by going to


Natalie Don MSP has condemned the continuing impact on Renfrewshire Council’s finances of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contracts, which were introduced by the UK Tory Government and adopted by Labour when they ran the devolved government at Holyrood.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West highlighted research from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) which shows the amount being forked out by Renfrewshire Council in 2019/20 was £17million, 10% of its education resource funding.

Natalie Don MSP said: “Horrendously expensive Private Finance Initiative contracts, which were introduced by Westminster Tories and supercharged by Labour-led devolved governments at Holyrood in years gone by, are still impacting on local authorities across Scotland, including Renfrewshire Council.

“The legacy of past decisions taken by Labour at Holyrood and locally when they ran the council administration in Renfrewshire continues to be felt as schools’ budgets are significantly eaten up by the huge ongoing cost of £17million in 2019/20 due to their beloved PFI contracts.

“Thankfully, the SNP scrapped PFI contracts to end taxpayers’ money being wasted in such ridiculously lengthy and costly ways but, unfortunately, we are still stuck with paying the heavy price of disastrous decisions by Labour in previous decades.”


Natalie Don MSP has praised the efforts of Recovery Across Mental Health (RAMH) staff and volunteers in providing much-needed support for Renfrewshire residents experiencing mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During a meeting with RAMH’s Chief Executive, Stephen McLellan, and recently appointed Operations Manager, Claire Gallagher, the MSP for Renfrewshire North and West was informed that the charity, which usually supports around 7,5000 people across Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire in their recovery from mental ill health each year, saw an increase of 10 per cent in the number of individuals contacting the organisation during the last 18 months.

Stephen McLellan, Manager of RAMH, said: “We were pleased to speak with Natalie Don MSP to highlight the valuable one-to-one support we are providing to people throughout Renfrewshire during the pandemic – including to many individuals who were previously not known to Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership’s Adult Community Mental Health Team.

“Unsurprisingly, we have been contacted by an increasing number of Renfrewshire residents who are experiencing COVID-19 related anxiety both in terms of the social isolation being suffered during times of restrictions as well as concerns relating to the prospects or reality of unemployment and debt issues.

“Anyone in Renfrewshire aged 16 or over who is experiencing a crisis in their mental health can reach out on an anonymous basis to our FIRST Crisis service which operates out of hours and offers essential personalised support.”

Natalie Don MSP with Claire Gallagher (Operations Manager) and Stephen McLellan (Chief Executive) from Recovery Across Mental Health (RAMH).

Natalie Don MSP said: “It’s vitally important that we all look after our mental health as much as we can and don’t hesitate to reach out for confidential support offered by dedicated services such as those run by RAMH.

“Through correspondence and conversations with my constituents, I am acutely aware of the range of difficulties and everyday challenges facing a lot of local people during the COVID-19 pandemic and offer RAMH staff and volunteers my heartfelt gratitude for making themselves available to provide life enhancing person-centred support to residents across Renfrewshire.

“I encourage anyone struggling with their mental health to make immediate contact with RAMH’s FIRST Crisis service and give the charity’s trained staff and volunteers the opportunity to gently talk you through steps which can help improve your wellbeing and recovery.”

Renfrewshire residents can contact RAMH’s FIRST Crisis service between 9am-8pm Monday-Friday or 9am-5pm Saturday-Sunday on freephone: 0800 221 8929 (or standard rate 0141 848 9090) seven days a week, 365 days a year.


Natalie Don MSP is encouraging families of children and young people with a disability or terminal illness in Renfrewshire to apply for the Scottish Government’s new Scotland’s Child Disability Payment which becomes available from Monday 22 November 2021.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West welcomes the fact that it is the first disability benefit in the UK which can be applied for online, with local families also having the options to apply by post, phone, or face-to-face (COVID-19 restrictions permitting) as part of Social Security Scotland’s commitment to inclusive communications.

The new benefit replaces the UK Government’s Disability Living Allowance for children. Families already receiving DLA for children do not need to make a new application as Social Security Scotland will contact them ahead of their award being automatically transferred.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I welcome the launch of the Scottish Government’s new Child Disability Payment and encourage eligible families across Renfrewshire to apply for this financial assistance which will help towards meeting the additional expenses such as extra care and mobility costs, associated with children who have a disability.

“Families with disabled children were directly involved in developing the application process so I’m delighted that applicants will experience a simplified, person-centred system and that it is the first disability benefit in the UK which can be applied for online.”

For more information about the Child Disability Payment, go to or call telephone: 0800 182 2222.


Natalie Don MSP is calling on the UK Government to make good on the money Scotland and Northern Ireland are owed as their share of the £20 billion Boris Johnson planned to use on building a bridge across the Northern Channel.

With the plan having now been ditched, the MSP for Renfrewshire North and West is demanding that the money is allocated to the two countries’ respective devolved governments so it can be spent on transport projects to transform local connectivity.

Natalie Don MSP calls on the UK Government to transfer Scotland its share of the £20 billion funds which were earmarked for the now ditched plans to build a bridge to Northern Ireland.

Natalie Don MSP said: “Whilst the bridge was a daft idea and a vanity project which had very little support beyond Boris Johnson, the £20 billion earmarked for the scheme should be handed over to the governments in Scotland and Northern Ireland to decide how to invest the funds in improving local, regional and national transport links.

“Renfrewshire’s share of the cash would be in the region of £328m to £487m, depending on whether it was split 50-50 or on a pro-rata basis, which could make a significant difference in improving our transport networks.

“As people in Renfrewshire and across Scotland simply cannot trust the out-of-touch Westminster Tory Government to act in our best interests, we shouldn’t hold our collective breath to see a penny of this funding and, yet again, it shows why we need to move towards choosing a different path by becoming an independent country.”


Natalie Don MSP has praised the efforts of Renfrewshire Foodbank’s staff and volunteers in providing essential food and household items for hundreds of local people experiencing increased levels of poverty due to the recent Universal Credit cut and rises in energy prices.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West visited the foodbank’s depot at Westway Park, Renfrew where she was informed by manager, Crystal Clayton, and project lead, Alistair Reid, that 9,300 emergency food parcels were compiled and issued by the organisation 90 plus volunteers to local families in the last year

In addition to providing food for balanced, nutritious and culturally appropriate diets for people referred to attend the weekly distribution operation at Renfrew Baptist Church, 77 Paisley Road, PA4 8LH between 10am and 12noon on Thursdays, Renfrewshire Council’s Advice Works staff are always on hand to provide confidential and independent advice on money, debt and benefits issues.

The foodbank also signposts service users requiring advice about managing energy bills to Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau and provides SIM cards, loaded with 20GB data and free calls and texts to provide six months of connectivity for people experiencing digital poverty and exclusion.

Crystal Clayton, Manager of Renfrewshire Foodbank, said: “The removal of the £20 Universal Credit uplift and the increase in energy prices have, unfortunately, but not surprisingly, resulted in many more people using our services as they are forced to choose between heating their homes or eating. 

“I was pleased to speak with Natalie Don MSP to highlight how the foodbank is working with a range of local partner organisations to provide a more holistic approach to help reduce the devastating impacts of poverty experienced by everyone coming to our distribution centres.

“At the foodbank, we are trying to work ourselves out of a job but, sadly, it looks like our services will continue to be needed by many Renfrewshire residents for some time to come.”

Natalie Don MSP with Crystal Clayton and Alistair Reid at Renfrewshire Foodbank.

Natalie Don MSP said: “Although it is completely unacceptable that our fellow citizens are experiencing in-work poverty or horrendously low welfare incomes that they need support to access nutritious food, I am thankful that Renfrewshire Foodbank’s 90 plus volunteers have worked so hard to provide emergency food parcels for local people in the last year.

“It is good to see that the foodbank has a joined-up approach with other local organisations equipped to offer Renfrewshire residents crucial advice about managing debts, energy bills and ensuring they are fully informed about benefits they may be eligible to receive.

“I was also pleased to be advised that the foodbank’s pilot mobile service ensuring that people in Bridge of Weir can more easily and discretely use their services is proving to be a success and will hopefully be rolled out in other Renfrewshire villages in due course. ”

Although the foodbank is well stocked for service users over the winter period, donations of toiletries, laundry detergent, bags for life, long life milk, diluting juice, jam and non-alcoholic sweet treats will be gratefully received at its depot in Westway, Porterfield Road, Renfrew PA4 8DG between 9.30am-11.45 am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

For more information, visit or email:


Natalie Don MSP has expressed her support for a collaboration of local community organisations and churches working together to support Renfrewshire families whilst also helping the environment by providing food products which would otherwise go to waste.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West visited EBI Unites where she was informed by organiser Jacqui Reid about the impactful contributions of partners Community Action for Erskine, Bishopton Community Development Trust, Inchinnan Community Development Trust, Catholic Erskine, Church of the Nazarene and Barnhill Farm, along with funding from Bridgewater Housing Association, in delivering services building the resilience of families in Erskine, Bishopton and Inchinnan.

Nearly 40,000 deliveries of essential provisions have been made by EBI Unites to local families since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the large-scale volunteering effort has evolved into a Community Pantry and Wellbeing Centre based in the Church of the Nazarene, Rashielee Avenue, Erskine, PA8 6HA.

Using food from local suppliers and retailers which would have gone to landfill, customers can pop in to the Community Pantry between 9.30am to 2pm, Monday to Thursday. The service also provides one-off or scheduled food parcels to help tackle food insecurity affecting local residents and offers weekly deliveries of soup, a main meal and a pudding to people experiencing social isolation.

Natalie Don MSP with Jacqui Reid, EBI Unites Community Pantry and Wellbeing Centre Lead, in Erskine.

Natalie Don MSP said: “It is ridiculous that in present day society people cannot afford to feed their families but it is heart-warming to know that inspirational and caring people like Jacqui and more than 60 other EBI Unites volunteers are doing everything they can to ensure no one in Erskine, Bishopton and Inchinnan needs to go without.

“The Community Pantry’s sustainability efforts and aims to reduce food waste by providing healthy, nutritious food at lower costs are very impressive and I appreciated the opportunity to hear about EBI Unites work to remove the stigma around accessing services like theirs which are supporting many local people.”

Jacqui Reid, EBI Unites Community Pantry and Wellbeing Centre Lead, said: “The pandemic has exacerbated the struggle for many families in Erskine, Bishopton and Inchinnan who were ‘just managing’ before, working low paid, zero-hour contact roles which were impacted heavily during the crisis months of the past year. 

“I was delighted to speak with Natalie Don MSP about how EBI Unites has created a network of local support for some of the most vulnerable members of society who now have a friendly face to chat with and they realise their community cares about them.

“Our Community Pantry enables people to choose healthy food based on their nutritional needs and taste, and is not determined by what little income they can spare for food after bills and debts. The majority of the food we supply would have previously been sent to landfill which is another positive outcome of our service.”

For more information or to offer help with the Community Pantry and Wellbeing Centre project, visit or email:


Natalie Don MSP has welcomed confirmation from the Scottish Government that all under 22s in Renfrewshire and across Scotland can access free bus travel from 31 January 2022.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West says the move will eradicate cost barriers for young people as well as helping tackle the climate emergency by reducing carbon emissions – especially as the Scottish Government has committed to removing the majority of fossil fuelled buses from public transport by 2023.

Natalie Don MSP welcomes free bus travel for people under 22 which will help students to attend school, college or university.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I welcome the SNP Government’s extension of free bus travel to all under 22s in Renfrewshire and across Scotland as it will reduce inequalities and improve young people’s options for travelling to their studies, work or to meet up with friends and families.

“Increasing the use of sustainable transport is vital if we are to reach our world leading goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2045 and I look forward to seeing local children and young people travelling for free on more zero-carbon electric buses around Renfrewshire as Scotland takes another step towards building a fairer, greener transport system.” 

Young people aged between 5-21 will be able to use buses for free by showing a National Entitlement Card (NEC) or Young Scot NEC.


Natalie Don MSP was delighted to visit the Erskine Community Garden on Friday to discover the valuable work that the team of volunteers are doing to support the local community.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West was welcomed by volunteers Heather Clissett, Chrissie Johnson and Sylvia Sneider to the project which, since its launch in 2018, has flourished into a beautiful area with something for everyone including an eight-seater picnic benches for teenagers, a stick store for four-legged friends and a sensory area will soon be available for children’s play.

The development of the area is hugely appreciated throughout the community, with thanks given in the form of donations which have been integrated into the garden. The trees are decorated with bunting gifted by neighbours and the path is accompanied by benches kindly given by members of the wider community.

As well as providing a safe, relaxed environment for people to meet at any time, Erskine Community Garden hosts organised activities for many groups within the community such as a children’s garden club which entertains and educates local young people about the great outdoors. Sylvia also hosts meditation sessions as part of mental health support as we move out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Heather Clissett from Erskine Community Garden said: “We were extremely pleased to welcome Natalie to the garden. Knowing her interest in the communities she supports, it was good to tell her of the garden’s openness and inclusivity, what has been achieved and what we hope to achieve in the future in keeping with the garden being a positive resource for all.”

Natalie Don MSP was welcomed to Erskine Community Garden by volunteers Sylvia Sneider, Chrissie Johnson and Heather Clissett.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I really enjoyed my visit to this beautiful space and was very impressed by the Erskine Community Garden team offering so much to support people and encourage wellbeing locally.

“It was a real pleasure to learn about all the different areas and features within the garden from the labrynth to the up and coming sensory area and I give my thanks to Heather, Chrissie and Sylvia for showing me around and giving me a great insight into their inspirational work.”

Renfrewshire Council also recognises and appreciates the work that the team at Erskine Community Garden is doing and has provided funding to support the project, which can be found at Barwood Road, Erskine, PA8 6AB.


Natalie Don, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, was delighted to join fellow representatives of the Bishopton community at the presentation of the completed second phase of preservation works at Bishopton Parish Church today.

The conservation works are part of a three-phase programme to return all masonry to an ‘as built’ condition in the church, which was designed in galleried neo-Gothic style by architect David Hamilton and constructed in 1815. The church was built adjacent to the historical small community of Kirkton of Erskine using stone taken from a nearby quarry in an era when Bishopton was only a small hamlet on the road from Glasgow to Port Glasgow.

The works, carried out by one of Scotland’s leading traditional building maintenance and restoration specialists, Limerich Limited, under the guidance of conservation consultant Nic Boyes ACR, were funded by grants of £23,500 from Viridor Credits Environmental Company through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SCLF) and £5,500 from The Ferguson Bequest Fund, as well as generous congregation contributions totalling £10,000.

The recently completed second phase of the project involved digging out old OPC (ordinary Portland Cement) pointing which had been used in historical repairs of coursed rubble and finely cut ashlar stones on buttresses and window dressings on the east gable of the church building. The OPC, now replaced with lime mortar, had caused the masonry to spall.

All the church’s cast iron window frames were also scraped, sealed and re-dressed with mastic high-grade construction adhesive; and a flue, which had originally been inserted in the wall in 1902, was rebuilt.

The Very Reverend Dr Lorna Hood OBE, locum minister for Bishopton Parish Church, said: “It is so unfortunate that Rev Yvonne Smith, due to illness, cannot be with us today as she has been the driving force behind this project on behalf of the congregation.

”As a member of the congregation, I likewise am grateful to all involved and the generous contributions from Viridor Credits Environmental Company and the Ferguson Bequest Fund. As a congregation, we look forward to the next phase, continuing our witness to the ever-growing community of Bishopton.”

Natalie Don, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, said: “I was delighted to support applications as part of the church’s tremendous fundraising efforts for this dedicated conservation project and it is wonderful to see the visually impressive improvements on the building, which is such a beautiful landmark and a stunning part of the Bishopton community’s heritage.”

Gareth Williams, Operations Manager at Viridor Credits Environmental Company, said: “Many of our churches suffer from the use of non-porous cement, which can lead to long-term damage to the fabric of the building. We were pleased to support the church in the latest phase of works, which will secure the future of the building for generations.”

The church is now aiming to raise around £50,000 to pay for the final phase of work on the north and part of the west walls, which will include repairing or rebuilding another old flue. Donations for the church’s fundraising can be sent by post to Bishopton Parish Church, The Cornerstone, Greenock Road, Bishopton, PA7 5JW.


Natalie Don MSP is looking forward to ramping up her constituency service operation after securing an office in Renfrew town centre.

After making several enquiries about premises in locations across the Renfrewshire North and West constituency, the MSP has agreed to rent office space, previously used by estate agents, at 1A Paisley Road, Renfrew, PA4 8JH.

Natalie Don MSP outside her Renfrewshire North and West constituency office at 1A Paisley Road, Renfrew.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I am delighted to have secured a constituency office in Renfrew town centre. The office is in a great spot, highly visible, front facing and, importantly, accessible for people with disabilities.

“With the COVID-19 pandemic not yet over and the Scottish Government continuing to ask people to work from home whenever possible, I look forward to opening the office for constituency business as soon as practicable.

“In the meantime, my team and I will be using this time to make the office a safe environment for both my staff and constituents while COVID-19 remains a risk to public health.

“I am excited about having a presence at the heart of Renfrew, which will provide further opportunities for people to share their concerns face-to-face with me. I appreciate, however, the limitations on travel and the fact that some people from our villages may find it difficult to travel to the office by public transport.

“I assure constituents that I will always be accessible in our villages, and if anyone has any problems travelling to the office after it opens. please get in touch or feel free to arrange an appointment at one of my 12 local advice surgeries.”

Constituents can currently raise enquiries for Natalie Don MSP’s attention by emailing: or calling her office in the Scottish Parliament on telephone: 0131 348 5085.


Natalie Don MSP has reacted to the UK Government’s budget by declaring that people in Scotland choosing the path to independence is the only way to ensure a fair recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and to keep the country safe from Tory cuts.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West said that the budget, which has been described by the head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies as “actually awful” for living standards, is failing the people of Renfrewshire and Scotland by failing to tackle the cost of living, Brexit and climate crises whilst the Tory Government prioritise cutting the cost of champagne and giving tax breaks to bankers.

Natalie Don MSP said: “This UK Government budget is leaving families in Renfrewshire hundreds of pounds worse off next year due to Tory cuts, tax hikes and the soaring cost of Brexit and does not come near meeting the ambition needed to tackle the cost of living crisis and building a fair and sustainable recovery.

“While key decisions remain under the control of out-of-touch Westminster politicians living in their world of unfettered privilege, it is blatantly clear that there will be no fair recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic on their watch.

“It’s little wonder that the people of Scotland voted to give the SNP the highest ever share of the vote at this year’s Scottish Parliament election and a clear mandate for an independence referendum. It becomes clearer by the day that independence is the only way to keep Scotland safe from Tory cuts.”


Natalie Don MSP is urging older constituents who have been given appointments for their flu and COVID-19 booster jabs outside of Renfrewshire to consider taking the opportunity to re-arrange to a local vaccination centre, if they will be inconvenienced or are anxious about travelling to other locations.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West raised her concerns with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde after being informed that older people across Renfrewshire, including those who are not the most mobile, were facing lengthy journeys for their vaccinations at sites in West Dunbartonshire and Glasgow. 

In their response, the health board apologised for the worry these arrangements have caused and advised the MSP that the way their computer scheduling system operates may result in such scenarios. 

The health board also confirmed that Renfrewshire residents can change their appointment to a closer venue such as Renfrew Leisure Centre, the Lagoon Leisure Centre in Paisley, Johnstone Town Hall or the Tweedie Hall, Linwood by calling NHS Scotland’s national helpline on telephone: 0800 030 8013 or online at

Natalie Don MSP raised concerns with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde about older constituents facing lengthy journeys to venues outside of Renfrewshire for their vaccinations.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I am thankful that the health board have taken heed of my concerns and have apologised for arranging flu and COVID-19 booster jab appointments for my older constituents so far away from their homes.

“I have been handling several cases for older constituents who were struggling to meet their appointments for this vital protection ahead of the winter season but, thankfully, they have either managed to obtain support to travel to West Dunbartonshire or Glasgow, or re-arranged to be vaccinated more locally.

“Although older residents should have been provided with locally based appointments in the first place, I would urge any of my constituents worried about travelling outside of the county, to take the opportunity to rearrange their appointment at one of the more conveniently accessible Renfrewshire venues.”

Residents with mobility difficulties can book the MyBus service for their journeys to and from vaccination centres by calling telephone: 0345 125 9807 between 9.45am-3.30pm Monday to Friday. Calls should be made the day before required travel, except for Sunday travel, when calls should take place on the prior Thursday and, for Monday travel, on the prior Friday. To register for the service, call telephone: 0345 128 4025.


Natalie Don MSP has slammed the UK Government for its decision to increase National Insurance for 117,115 working age people across Renfrewshire and then cut the tax surcharge for banks.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West has condemned the decision by Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak to cut the tax surcharge for banks by more than 60 per cent, less than a month after his announcement that thousands of hardworking families would face a 1.25 per cent increase in their National Insurance contributions.

Natalie Don MSP said: “It is absolutely shameful that this out-of-touch UK Tory Government is giving tax breaks to their rich pals in the banks whilst putting up taxes for hardworking families in Renfrewshire and across Scotland.

“With local families facing a cost of living crisis through increasing food and energy bills, and many enduring lower incomes due to the Tories’ callous cut to Universal Credit, it is clear that Westminster Ministers living in their world of unfettered privilege are happy to make decisions which devastate the lives of people who can least afford to absorb such hits.

“It is becoming clearer by the day that the only way to protect people in our communities from Tory cuts is by becoming an independent country, with the full powers to build a fairer and more equal society.”


Natalie Don MSP is encouraging Renfrewshire residents to share their views on a draft national plan by the Scottish Government to end the need for people to use food banks.

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West is urging local people to input their ideas and opinions via a consultation about the plan, which is supported by food bank operators including the Trussell Trust and Independent Food Aid Network, to prevent food insecurity.

The Scottish Government’s proposals are weighted towards strengthening incomes through fair work and social security to ensure everyone can afford food that meets their needs and preferences, and supporting joined-up local responses seeking to make food banks the last port of call for people experiencing hardship by promoting emergency financial assistance and money advice first, alongside holistic support services.

Natalie Don MSP is encouraging Renfrewshire residents to participate in Scottish Government’s consultation about ending the need for food banks.

Natalie Don MSP said: “The staff and volunteers at food banks in Renfrewshire and across Scotland provide a vital service, thanks to generous donations, to support many people in our communities experiencing poverty to the extent that they cannot afford to feed themselves or their families.

“Food banks, however, are not a long-term solution to poverty and I welcome the Scottish Government’s draft plan to end the need for food banks, which aligns with the SNP’s national mission to eradicate poverty.

“Rising energy and food prices, along with the UK Tory Government’s callous cut to Universal Credit, ending of the furlough scheme and failure to use wage-setting powers to ensure household incomes keep pace with the cost of living, is increasing financial hardship.

“Unfortunately, as 85 per cent of benefit spending in Scotland is still decided by out-of-touch Westminster politicians, the Scottish Government has limited powers and budget to mitigate the impacts for people being driven further into poverty and requiring to use food banks, but has set out these proposals to use existing powers to minimise food insecurity.

“I urge people in Renfrewshire – especially those who are or have been directly impacted by poverty – to take the opportunity to get involved and help shape this national plan as everyone should have the right to an adequate standard of living, including the ability to access food that meets dietary, social and cultural needs.”

For more information about the government’s plan and to participate in the consultation, go to before 25 January 2022.


Natalie Don MSP is looking forward to welcoming constituents to her next wave of advice surgeries on Friday (15th October).

The MSP for Renfrewshire North and West is holding a drop-in advice surgery in Bishopton Library between 9:30 - 10:15, followed by Bargarran Community Centre, Erskine 10:30 - 11:15, Gallowhill Community Centre 11:30 - 12:15, The Cherrie Centre, Renfrew 12:30 - 1:15 and Inchinnan Community Association and Social Club 1:30 - 2:15.

Natalie Don MSP looking forward to meeting constituents.

Natalie Don MSP said: “I was really pleased that my face to face advice surgeries resumed again at the start of the month and I’m now very much looking forward to meeting with constituents during the five surgeries I am running on Friday.

“I invite constituents to take an opportunity to drop-in to speak with me and ask questions or raise issues so that I can start working towards resolving any cases or concerns that they may have.”

The MSP is holding 12 surgeries each month stretching the length and breadth of the constituency, from Langbank to Gallowhill and Bridge of Weir to Renfrew and Erskine.

Constituents can also raise enquiries by emailing: