New funds will help more people from under-represented backgrounds start their own businesses and nurture fledgling companies.

A total of 42 recipients will share £1.6 million through the Ecosystem Fund, while 20 projects will receive £1.3 million through a new Pre-Start Pathways Fund.

Funding to help women and other priority groups become entrepreneurs and access support and advice forms part of the Scottish Government initiative.

Wellbeing Economy Secretary Neil Gray announced the recipients at the Scottish Black Talent Summit in Edinburgh.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“The Scottish Government understands the various barriers that underrepresented groups face in entrepreneurial participation, which is why it is investing in the Ecosystem Fund and Pre-Start Pathways Fund.

“Both of these initiatives will play a key part in supporting our most underrepresented groups to see their potential and talent, through widening pathways for them to start new thriving businesses.”


Woman and girls will be better protected and victims’ needs prioritised as part of reforms to improve justice services and create safer communities.  

The Vision for Justice Delivery Plan published today also includes actions to address long-standing challenges in the system faced by victims of sexual offences, and the continued modernisation of the prison estate.

Setting out an ambitious programme of reforms that are being taken forward to March 2026, the plan puts a fresh focus on early intervention to prevent and reduce crime to make communities safer.

The reforms build on the significant progress already achieved since February 2022, when the Scottish Government published the Vision for Justice - outlining a strategy to modernise, strengthen and improve the justice sector to ensure it meets the needs of all who use it.

Reforms planned up to March 2026 include:

-          the introduction of a Misogyny Bill to create new offences related to misogynistic conduct

-          continued modernisation of the prison estate, including opening HMP Highland and starting building work on HMP Glasgow to replace Barlinnie

-          the national roll-out of a system to digitally transform how evidence is managed across the justice sector, benefiting victims and witnesses by supporting quicker resolution of cases 

-          expanding the availability of mediation services in civil disputes to save people time, stress and money


MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“The Scottish Government’s Delivery Plan maps out further actions to reform, modernise and strengthen the justice system so it better meets the needs of victims, reduces reoffending, and ensures rates of offending continue to be at historic lows.

“There is a specific focus on action to better protect women and girls, improve services for children and prevent and reduce crime through early intervention.

“This includes the introduction of the Victims, Witnesses and Criminal Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill – which, if passed, will put victims and witnesses right at the heart of the justice system, and the creation of Bairns’ Hoose test sites to ensure a range of trauma-informed support is available to child victims and witnesses of abuse and harm.

“These plans are all based on a determination to build a trauma-informed and person-centred justice system in which individuals and communities can trust.”


Access to potentially life-saving naloxone kits, which reverse the effects of an opioid overdose, is being expanded to community pharmacies across Scotland.


All community pharmacies will now hold at least two naloxone kits - either a nasal spray or injectable.  


The Emergency Access Naloxone Scheme, which is backed by £300,000 of Scottish Government funding, began on 30 October 2023.


Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:


“Through the Scottish Government’s National Mission to reduce drug deaths and harms, they have invested more than £3 million in widening access to Naloxone, including through our emergency services.


“Police Scotland recently completed a force-wide rollout to 12,500 officers who have used the kits more than 300 times and, according to the most recent statistics, 70% of those who are at risk of opioid overdose are being provided with a lifesaving kit.


“However, the Government wants to do even more. This new nationwide service is a welcome addition to existing services here in Renfrewshire. It provides a substantial increase life-saving emergency access and I’m grateful to all those in community pharmacies who are supporting our £250 million National Mission to reduce drug deaths.


“The Scottish Government will also continue to focus on getting more people into the form of treatment and support they need, expand access to residential rehabilitation and drive the rollout of life-saving Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards where we are making significant progress.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes Scottish Government paper on Migration

Natalie Don MSP has welcomed the Scottish Government’s latest paper, ‘Migration to Scotland after Independence’ as the sixth paper in the Building a New Scotland series.

The paper, published on Friday 3rd November, outlines how Scotland, with the full powers of independence, would address problems such as worker shortages and depopulation with an approach to migration that stands in stark contrast with that of the UK government.

Under these plans, Scotland would implement a humane, dignified and principled migration system which would maximise the many benefits of migration to both our society and our economy. There is also emphasis on protecting the rights of migrants and free movement as a member of the EU.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“This paper demonstrates that whether you are coming to an independent Scotland seeking refuge or to make a new life for yourself, you will be welcomed and supported in doing so.

“For too long the immense value that migrants add to communities like Renfrewshire North & West, whether that is through cultural or economic enrichment, has been ignored.

“Westminster control over migration policy has done immeasurable harm to both migrants and Scotland and the current hostile environment is a shameful scourge on the UK.

“With the full powers of independence, Scotland will create a migration policy that is tailored to the needs of our people, our businesses and our economy.

“We must be able to implement policies which reflect the values and needs of communities like Renfrewshire North & West, and this paper outlines how, with the full powers of independence, we would do exactly that.”


Natalie Don MSP welcomes new bill to improve social security in Scotland

“This new bill will make the system more efficient and effective,” said Natalie Don MSP commenting on new legislation aimed at improving the way the Scottish system of social security delivers for people in need of support.

The Social Security (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill enhances the rights of Social Security Scotland clients in a number of ways:


•         A right to late re-determinations and appeals in exceptional circumstances

•         The right to withdraw a request for redetermination

•         The right to challenge a decision that someone is liable in a situation where an overpayment has been made

The Bill will also continue to enhance the design of the system, maximising choice for those who use it while delivering good value for money.  It will also enable the Scottish Government to recover the cost of devolved social security benefits from compensation awards in situations where someone has had to claim payments as a result of a third party’s fault.

New legislation to improve social security in Scotland

This new bill will make the system more efficient and effective.

Natalie Don MSP added:

“Scotland has built a social security system centred on dignity, fairness and respect, a far cry from the UK Government’s DWP system, however we know there are always more ways to improve. The changes proposed are part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to continuously enhance the Scottish social security system in ways which put the needs of those who require assistance first.

“They will help make the social security system more efficient and effective, contributing to our mission to tackle poverty and protect people from harm.

Natalie Don MSP warns of cost of living driving increased demand for rent arrears advice.

“This latest report from Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) highlights the ongoing impact of the Tory created cost of living crisis”, said Natalie Don MSP. 

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is warning that the Tory created cost of living crisis is seeing more and more people fall behind on their rent, as new figures show a 37% increase in demand for advice around rent arrears in the year to September 2023. 

The charity has previously warned about rising demand for advice around illegal evictions and rent increases, despite legislation being in place to protect tenants. The CAS network has been helping people facing issues with rent arrears, or other challenges as a result of prioritising their rent across essential spending. 

CAS social justice spokesperson, Aoife Deery, said:  

“Over the past year we have seen a huge increase in people seeking advice on rent arrears, suggesting more and more people are falling behind on the rent. 


Rising Demand for Rent Arrears Advice

According to Citizens Advice Scotland there has been a huge increase in demand for advice around rent arrears.

Natalie Don MSP added: 

“Over the course of this Tory created cost-of-living crisis people are having to make impossible choices on spending, literally between putting the heating on, the weekly food shop or paying the rent. 

“As we head into the winter, the CAS network is concerned that more and more people facing higher energy costs will continue to face difficult choices on their essential spending. 

“Since the pandemic we have seen a range of legal protections introduced by the Scottish Parliament to offer protections to tenants, and the Scottish Government plan to introduce a Housing Bill in this parliament. That will be a huge opportunity to make sure the system works for people.” 

“The Scottish Government is doing what it can to offset the worst of the Tory created cost of living crisis but is limited by the powers of devolution.  Only with the real powers of an independent nation can Scotland fully tackle this cost of living crisis. 

“Anyone looking for support on their housing bills, or any other bills, should contact either Renfrewshire CAB on 0141 889 22121 or Advice Works on 0300 300 1238”. 

Natalie Don MSP welcomes new payment for care leavers

Natalie Don MSP has welcomed the announcement that a one-off £2,000 payment from the SNP Scottish Government will be made available to young people who are leaving the care system in Renfrewshire North & West.

First Minister Humza Yousaf announced the payment following the Independent Care Review’s findings that those with care experience have an increased risk of poor mental health, addiction, homelessness, and exploitation.

The payment is co-designed with care experienced people to ensure that it meets their needs and helps to reduce some of the financial impediments in their way as they seek to live independently.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“The SNP Scottish Government is committed to Keeping the Promise by 2030 to all children and young people leaving care, and part of that is ensuring that they are supported on their journey into adulthood.

“Living independently can be a huge adjustment and comes at a pivotal time for young people leaving care in Renfrewshire North & West, especially if they don’t have family support.

“The SNP Scottish Government is therefore providing support to care experienced young people across Scotland through the Care Leaver Payment, and this will make a real difference to the lives of young people in Renfrewshire North & West.”


A service which provides support for young people affected by substance use in their family is being expanded to six new areas of Scotland.

The Routes youth programme, which is run by Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD), offers one-to-one and group support to people aged 12 to 26 and currently operates in East and West Dunbartonshire.

Now SFAD has formed a partnership with six other charities, including Action for Children who will roll out the programme to Renfrewshire.

The expansion comes after the Scottish Government announced SFAD would receive £4 million earlier this year from the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund as part of the cross-government approach to tackling the drug deaths crisis.

Commenting, Natalie Don, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, said:

“Young people living with a loved one who is using substances need to feel like they are not alone. It is important that that they have an opportunity to share their experiences, learn more about substance use, and explore how they can achieve their own goals.

“I welcome the Scottish Government’s understanding that they must not only help people who are facing problems with drugs, but also their family members. I am pleased that this funding will allow more young people in Renfrewshire to access this vital support.”


Young people are being urged to find out if they are eligible for Job Start Payment as part of a new campaign.

The Scottish Government has introduced changes to Job Start Payment, simplifying the process for young people to apply.

Changes to the qualifying criteria mean that income received from completing trial shifts will now not rule out applicants from getting Job Start Payment.

Further changes made by Social Security Scotland, who administer the payment, include extending the deadline to apply to six months after the young person’s job offer rather than the previous three months, and supplying simplified supporting information for proof of job. These changes are designed to make the application process clearer and simpler.

The one-off payment helps young people and care leavers with the costs of starting a new job. Eligible people receive a one-off payment of £294.70 or £471.50 if they are a main carer of any children.

The nationwide digital marketing campaign, which launched on 23 October, aims to raise awareness of the financial support available to young people and care leavers when offered a job after a period of unemployment.

MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Since launching in August 2020, Job Start Payment has made a real difference to young people in Renfrewshire, and across Scotland, by supporting them to take up employment opportunities.

“The pressures of starting a new job can be overwhelming and we don’t want the extra costs to be what stops young people.

“It is now simpler for eligible clients to apply for Job Start Payment due to the recent guidance changes. I encourage young people and carers in Renfrewshire North and West who have recently started work, or employers taking on young people in a new job, to find out more and check if they are eligible.

"The tory-made cost of living crisis is having a huge impact on everyone, with people facing difficult financial decisions day in and day out.

“The SNP Scottish Government are committed to making sure that people are getting all of the money that they are entitled to and that the people who are eligible know how to apply.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes extra funding for Neurological Support Services

Natalie Don MSP has described the latest round of Scottish Government funding for support services for people living with neurological conditions as “life-changing.”

This is the fourth round of awards made as part of a five-year action plan and will provide £440,000 to progress eight projects run by organisations like the Care Inspectorate and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Cerebral Palsy Scotland and the Migraine Trust.

This latest round of SNP Scottish Government funding will be life-changing for those living with neurological conditions in Renfrewshire North & West.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said

“The innovative projects that receive this financial support are providing invaluable support to those living with conditions such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida and multiple sclerosis; helping them to live a fulfilling life, on their own terms.

“This funding allows these organisations to expand their services, and by investing a total of £4.5 million invested over five years the SNPovernment is making a real difference to the lives of those who need this support.

“The SNP Scottish Government is determined to ensure that high-quality and co-ordinated support is available to those with neurological conditions in Renfrewshire North & West and are making meaningful progress in making this a reality across Scotland.”


A £50 million funding boost for Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) recruitment and up to £12 million to expand Hospital at Home are among measures to support the health and care system this winter.

The Scottish Government and COSLA’s joint Winter Plan, published this week, identifies new funding for SAS to support work already underway to recruit a further 317 frontline staff to help increase capacity to emergency response. It will also see 18 additional clinicians working in the call centre hub who, through additional triage, can offer patients alternative treatment routes in cases which are not time-critical, reducing the number of hospital admissions.

The expansion of Hospital at Home, which enables people to be treated at home rather than on a ward, is intended to deliver at least 380 additional beds this winter – significantly increasing the total service capacity.

The Scottish Government has been working closely with COSLA, Health and Social Care Partnerships, and NHS Boards on a number of further measures to ensure they are prepared for the winter period. This includes a Delayed Discharge Action Plan and improvements to the reporting of data to better identify specific areas for further support or escalation.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“The workforce within Renfrewshire’s health and social care sector, and across Scotland, are outstanding, and so I very much welcome this investment from the Scottish Government, which is vital in ensuring we deliver high quality care for the public as we approach the winter period.

“The Scottish Government are in no doubt that this winter will be extremely challenging. This Winter plan builds on the lessons they have learned from previous years and preparations have been on-going since spring. The whole system approach is based on ensuring people can access the care that is right for them – at the right time and in the right place.

“The additional investment of up to £12 million to expand the Hospital at Home service will allow people, especially elderly patients, patients with respiratory conditions and children, to receive treatments in the comfort of their own home and will crucially help reduce pressure on our A&E departments this winter.

“Furthermore, as a result of the Scottish Government’s significant investment of over £15 million, an additional 1,000 nurses, midwives and Allied Health Professional from overseas have joined NHS Scotland in the last two years to bolster our existing workforce this winter. The £50 million funding boost for the Scottish Ambulance Service will also help tackle increased demand and support on-going recruitment to drive up capacity for emergency response and reduce the need for people to go to hospital.”


Natalie Don, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, is encouraging local food and drink producers in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde to apply for funding from the SNP Government’s Regional Food Fund. 

The Regional Food Fund has made £100,000 available for businesses and groups who are undertaking projects to promote regional products and open new markets. 

The fund has so far supporter a variety of projects across Scotland and is an excellent opportunity for local businesses, producers, and community groups across the constituency to showcase the best food and drink products in our region. 

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said: 

“This fund is an excellent opportunity for producers, businesses, and community groups across Renfrewshire North and West to get the support they need to promote their fantastic local products. 

“Scotland’s food and drink sector is a multi-billion-pound industry – and this fund ensures that local producers get the opportunity to fully take advantage of national supply chains and promote their products across the country. 

“I strongly encourage any local producers in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde to apply for this fund before the November 24thdeadline – the desire for local produce is strong and this support helps make it a reality.”


Minister for Keeping the Promise, Natalie Don, has announced the six successful locations that will become home to Scotland’s first Bairns’ Hoose test sites.

Supported by £6 million Scottish Government funding, multi-agency partnerships in Fife, North Strathclyde, Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City, Tayside and the Outer Hebrides will set up pathfinders to provide coordinated comprehensive support for children and young people in the justice system.

Services including child protection, recovery, healthcare, therapeutic support and justice will be available which will provide a blueprint for a full pilot in 2025.

Member of the Scottish Parliament for Renfrewshire North and West, and Minister for Keeping the Promise, Natalie Don, said:

“Establishing this network is a major step forward in our aim to transform the care and justice systems for children and young people, many of whom will have been through serious trauma. The creation of these pathfinders will also help us to collectively uphold the rights of children and their families to compassionate and effective support in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

“This is a key action in Keeping the Promise and I’m pleased to have marked Care Experienced Week by meeting representatives of this vital project to hear about their vision for the future as one of the first Bairns’ Hoose Pathfinder Partnerships.”

Barnahus founder and Member of the United Nation’s Committee on the Rights of the Child, Bragi Guðbrandsson, said:

“I am delighted that Barnahus is being implemented in Scotland through the Bairns’ Hoose Pathfinder programme led by Scottish Government and working with partners across a range of sectors.

“This important milestone shows that Barnahus can be adapted to different contexts, cultural traditions, and legislative structures, but its core concept remains the same - to support children who have experienced trauma, in the best possible way, through multiagency responses.

“A significant financial contribution from the Scottish Government will help to build on the positive collaborative working between social work, police, health, third sector and other partners to ensure successful implementation and capturing learning to support a wider national rollout. I look forward to following the progress of Scotland’s Bairns’ Hoose Pathfinders closely.”


Natalie Don MSP welcomes funding for The Promise

42 organisations across Scotland will benefit from £4 million funding to deliver projects that will help children, young people and families in the care system.

Administered by the Corra Foundation, the second round of The Promise Partnership Fund will be split across third sector and public organisations that prioritise work to:

-         Build supportive workforces that can provide the unique support for young people and families in the care system to thrive

-         Create school structures that provide support, opportunities and a sense of belonging

-         Enhance youth justice and rights to reduce and prevent the criminalisation of children and young people with care experience

The announcement marks the beginning of Care Experienced Week, when people come together to advocate for change and encourage the transformation required to Keep The Promise.

MSP for Renfrewshire North & West and Minister for Keeping the Promise, Natalie Don, said:

"The Promise Partnership Fund is crucial in supporting 42 organisations across Scotland, including here in Renfrewshire, to make the changes needed to enrich the lives of children and young people in or on the edges of care.

“Care Experienced Week starts today and is a key opportunity for Scotland to come together to celebrate and show our love for children and young people who have experienced care. I am determined we keep driving forward the transformational change that is required to Keep The Promise and make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up, where all children are loved, safe, respected and realise their full potential.”


Natalie Don MSP urges residents to shape delivery of Winter Payment

Natalie Don, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North & West, has urged residents in Renfrewshire North & West to take part in the Scottish Government’s consultation on the introduction of the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.

From winter 2024, the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment, which will be an annual payment, will replace the UK government’s Winter Fuel Payment in Scotland.

The Scottish Government are consulting people across Renfrewshire North & West to understand who should be eligible for this payment, when and how it should be delivered, and what measures can be put in place to support those living off the gas grid.  The consultation closes on January 15th 2024.

Natalie Don MSP urging constituents to complete the consultation

This will help ensure the payment is as effective as possible in helping pensioners with their winter heating costs.

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

“The new Pension Age Winter Heating Payment delivered by the SNP Government will help over a million pensioners in Scotland with their heating costs, including thousands in Renfrewshire North & West.

“The SNP Government is committed to helping the most vulnerable through the difficult winter period – but it is vital people make their views known of how this payment can best be delivered.

“Since setting up a devolved social security system with compassion, fairness, and respect at its core – 13 benefits, of which 7 are unique to Scotland, have been established.

"Social Security Scotland is set to deliver £5.3 billion in devolved benefits in 2023-24 alone, supporting over 1.2 million people as the SNP continues to deliver every day for the people of Scotland.”


Scottish Government launches Winter Healthcare Awareness campaign

An awareness campaign has been launched by the Scottish Government to make sure people know the best place to go for healthcare over the winter.

Right Care Right Place has been rolled out earlier than in previous years to help Scots know which health setting is best for their medical concerns, and in turn to help alleviate pressures on the NHS and social care ahead of an expected increase in demand.

The campaign, featuring targeted advertising on television, radio and online, tells people how to access the most appropriate care for their physical or mental health needs.

The public is advised to use self-help guides on the NHS inform website, visit their local pharmacy for advice, telephone NHS 24 on 111, or contact their general practice surgery. Accident & Emergency departments should be used only for genuine emergencies.

The series of self-help guides include advice on the most common winter illnesses, based on the health concerns raised on calls to NHS24 on 111.

Winter Healthcare Awareness

It’s important to know exactly how and when to access services when you need them

MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“Since early this year, the Scottish Government has been working closely with colleagues across the NHS and social care to make sure that every possible mitigation is in place ahead of winter, with a full Winter Plan being published later this month.

“Public information and awareness is a key part of the strategy, and that’s why the awareness campaign is being started earlier than in previous years.

“It is important that people in Renfrewshire North and West know exactly how and when to access services when they need them, which is what the plan will highlight. This will help everyone to get the right care, in the right place as quickly as possible. Crucially, it will also help to alleviate pressures on the rest of our NHS.

“I would also encourage people to help by making sure they get their Covid and flu vaccinations if eligible.”

Scottish Government funded childcare has positive impact on low-income households

The Access to Childcare Fund Phase 2 Evaluation Report has highlighted the positive impact of investment in school-age childcare, as more parents have been able to start work or progress their careers.

Eight childcare providers across Scotland received a share of almost £600,000 from the Scottish Government to help 650 children from low-income families access school-age childcare.

The funding helped to make school-age childcare more accessible, affordable and flexible for parents and carers from low-income families, or those most at risk of experiencing poverty.

The Access to Childcare Fund Phase 2 Evaluation report also highlights the positive impact the projects had on the health and wellbeing of the children and parents. It found the projects increased opportunities for children to develop social skills and strengthen relationships with both adults and peers, especially for those with additional support needs.

Children and Young People Minister Natalie Don said:

“I welcome the findings of this report, which highlights the impact the Scottish Government’s support continues to make for children, young people and their families who are most in need, and how childcare providers can be key in supporting these families.

“Improving access to childcare not only brings wide ranging benefits for the children, it also helps parents to get back into work, engage in training or progress their careers. Quality childcare provision is both an anti-poverty and a pro-growth measure.

“This report follows the Scottish Government’s commitment in the Programme for Government to expand our childcare offering, and sets out the difference that funded school-age childcare can make to support families to enter and sustain employment.

Making school-age childcare more accessible

Improving access to childcare benefits children and their parents

“Currently, all three and four-year-olds and eligible two-year-olds are able to take up 1,140 hours of funded early learning and childcare in Scotland.

“I look forward to seeing the outcome of the Scottish Government’s work that is underway with local authorities and other partners to phase in an expanded national provision for families with two-year-olds, as well as targeted early delivery of all-age childcare for low income families.”

Natalie Don MSP raises concerns about US trade deal

Natalie Don, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North & West, has expressed their concerns about the impact any prospective trade deal between the UK and the USA may have on local businesses.

According to reports in the media, the UK government is potentially negotiating a foundational trade partnership with the United States – having failed to engage or provide advance warning to Scottish Ministers or local businesses.

This prospective arrangement reportedly covers topics such as digital trade, labour protections and agriculture. The inclusion of agriculture in any talks will be particularly concerning and farming communities in Renfrewshire North and West and to consumers who are strongly against low standard food products entering the Scottish market.

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

“While I fully support building trade and investment links with the United States, agricultural businesses in Renfrewshire North & West must not be sold out to secure a quick trade deal.

“Scotland has a global reputation for exporting high quality food and drink produce across the world and I am extremely concerned that a deal with the United States may undermine our standards and cost us access to other global markets, including the EU.

“I know that constituents across Renfrewshire North & West will also be deeply worried about any action from the UK government which would result in sub-par food, particularly meat, produce ending up on supermarket shelves.

“These reports are already causing concern to business in Renfrewshire North & West – I urge the UK government to engage with our communities and Scottish Ministers and give a cast-iron guarantee that no trade deal will reduce food safety and animal welfare standards.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes support for people with neurological conditions

Eight projects supporting people with neurological conditions are receiving a total of almost £440,000 to enable them to enhance and expand the services they provide.

The Scottish Government funding is the fourth round of awards made as part of a five-year action plan to improve support for people living with neurological conditions.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Service Improvement Team is one of the successful bids - £82,000 will be used to build on the success of the previous project funded through Round 3, to extend the tenure of a team who are working across a number of areas, including but not limited to; anticipatory care planning, carers support and the development of a Right Clinical Decisions web based tool kit, to allow the completion of pathway improvement works across NHS boards in the West of Scotland.

Commenting, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, Natalie Don, said:

“I welcome this further support for the one million people in Scotland living with neurological conditions.

“The Scottish Government is committed to its National Neurological Action Plan as it supports various organisations to help these people to live well and on their own terms, regardless of where they stay.

“The Framework contains £4.5 million investment over five years, and this latest allocation of funding will benefit a wide range of projects helping those living with a number of conditions, including cerebral palsy, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, and Functional Neurological Disorder.

“All of these innovative projects, including the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s plan to improve services for people here in Renfrewshire and across the West of Scotland, seek to ensure seamless access to high-quality and co-ordinated health, social care and third sector support in the right place at the right time.”

Natalie Don MSP raises concerns over increase in older people facing financial hardship

New research from Age Scotland has revealed a substantial increase in the number of older people facing financial hardship.  The charity’s Big Survey identified that 41% of over 50s in Scotland feel financially squeezed and a further 35% think they will be within a year. This is an increase of more than 60% in two years since the charity’s first Big Survey in 2021 where 26% felt financially squeezed.

Nearly all respondents who are squeezed (97%) were struggling with energy bills, an increase from 82% in 2021. Food was in second place for 76%, which didn’t feature in the charity’s 2021 list of most concerning bills. In third place was Council Tax which had risen sharply to 62% from 46% in 2021.

Eight in ten people over the age of 50 (79%) reported cutting back on energy and heating, 55% on holidays, 49% on food, 46% on socialising and 41% on savings.

Of further concern for the future is the 26% of those aged 50-54 and 27% aged 55-59 cutting back on saving for retirement.

  • 15% of respondents with less than £10,000 annual gross household income were using credit or taking on debt to cope with their finances.

  • Only 16% felt optimistic about their future.

Katherine Crawford, CEO of Age Scotland, said:

“Our Big Survey findings drive home the devastating toll the cost-of-living crisis is taking on older people’s financial wellbeing.

“Far too many pensioners are affected by poverty, and the stark reality for 2023 is older people in Scotland are getting colder, poorer and less optimistic about their future.


Natalie Don MSP added:

“Too many older people are cutting back on all life’s necessities and pleasures – from heating and food to holidays and social activities – and still struggling to make ends meet.

“The Age Scotland helpline is hearing from an increasing number of older people who are finding it near impossible to pay their bills, having cut down on all but the essentials, and are at risk of falling into unmanageable debt as a result.

“It’s also a concern that a huge number of working age older people cutting back on saving for retirement as this paints a grim image of the future.

“The UK has one of the worst state pension schemes in the developed world.  The UK Government has failed to ensure that the pension triple lock continues, so year on year the real value of the state pension falls even further.

“It’s clear that pensioners are treated as an afterthought by successive UK governments.  Scotland needs the real powers of an independent nation to boost the Scottish State Pension.

“It’s important that anyone who needs support gets what is available.  I would encourage everyone to seek advice on whether or not they are getting the help they are entitled to.  This can be done by contacting Renfrewshire Council’s Advice Works (0300 300 1238), Renfrewshire CAB (0141 889 2121) or, if you fall within their age range -over 50 – contact Age Scotland’s helpline on 0800 12 44 222 to help make sure you’re not missing out.”