Natalie Don: I Will Push For More Rail Access In Renfrewshire North and West

SNP candidate for Renfrewshire North & West, Natalie Don has welcomed the SNP Scottish Government’s announcement that ScotRail services will move into public sector control when the current franchise with Abellio expires. This will see Scotland’s railways put back into the hands of the people of Scotland.

Expected in March 2022, the Scottish Government have announced that rail services will be run by an arm’s length company owned and controlled by the Scottish Government.

This decision has came about due to a number of factors, including faults with the current franchising system, uncertainty from a year-long delay in the UK Government’s rail review and the effects of the Covid pandemic.

SNP Candidate Natalie Don, who has made clear that improving transport within the Renfrewshire North and West constituency is one of her main priorities has welcomed this news stating;

“This is an extremely positive announcement and will be a big step towards improving transport services across Scotland. I believe that having public transport in public hands will enhance our ability to make real improvements, working towards an efficient transport system that is accessible, cost effective and fit for the future.”

“I’m sure this will be welcome news for many commuters as we work towards a more efficient and reliable service. It could also help towards seeing improvements locally.

“Renfrewshire North & West is crying out for better transport services. Over the years we have seen our rail services stripped away and bus services cut. As a local councillor, I have always fought to improve and retain services locally.”

“I would love to see the re-introduction of rail infrastructure back to areas within the constituency. This could be of huge benefit to the people of Renfrew, Erskine and many of our commuter villages such as Bridge of Weir and Kilmacolm, improving congestion and helping in our efforts to tackle the climate emergency.

“I appreciate the difficulties that would surround something like this and I am not saying this would be an easy task. The fact that certain powers over rail are still reserved to Westminster makes it even more difficult. However as a local woman, I’ve experienced the decline in our transport system over the years and I know the strain and hassle that commuting puts on people’s everyday lives. That is why if elected, I would be committed to doing everything within my power to bring about change, championing transport accessibility and promoting infrastructure being built here in Renfrewshire North and West.”

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