SNP Councillors Urge Residents To Get Involved With the Infrastructure and Assets Community Investment fund

The programme for a new participatory budgeting fund, that will see Renfrewshire communities choose how cash is spent in their area, has been agreed today at Renfrewshire Council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment Board.

The first phase of the Infrastructure and Assets Community Investment Fund will launch in May with £1.2million set aside for the fund. Residents from communities across Renfrewshire will be asked to put forward “imaginative and innovative” ideas for infrastructure improvements in their local areas. Examples of this could be pathways, green infrastructure or road, footways, lighting or drainage improvements.

Public engagement will be carried out over three phases in an effort to ensure that proposals for every community in Renfrewshire are brought forward. The first phase will run from May to July and residents will be asked to share their suggestions on improvements they would like to see in their area. Following that, Renfrewshire Council officers will carry out an assessment of the projects put forward before forming a shortlist of proposals which residents from each area will then be asked to vote on. It is hoped that ideas will be brought forward that have community wide benefits and projects which will ideally cost between £5,000 and £50,000.

Convener of the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Board, Councillor Cathy McEwan has welcomed the launch of this fund stating;

“This is an extremely positive initiative and could have real benefit to many of our communities. Not only will this give local people a key role in the decision-making process around improving infrastructure within their area, but it will allow the council an insight and better understanding of community priorities within each area.”

“To ensure all areas benefit from this investment, we will bring forward proposals for every area of Renfrewshire, with local communities shaping the investments that will bring benefits and improvements in their local area. I would encourage all residents across Renfrewshire to get involved with this. Many of us have spent more time in our local areas over the last year than ever before due to the pandemic, so I’m sure communities will have some good ideas.”

Depute Convener of the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Board, Natalie Don stated:

“I am thrilled to see the launch of this fund and I am very happy that the implementation plan was agreed unanimously at today’s board. I am a big advocate of participatory budgeting and giving local communities more power and involvement in what goes on in their area. The SNP administration have already prioritised this through our Community Empowerment Fund, our Play Parks and Green Spaces fund and through our Village Investment fund and this is another important step in the same direction.”

“I really want to encourage residents to think outside the box when it comes to ideas for this programme. This is a chance to make real change in your area, things that could make a real difference to your community that might never have been thought of by a council officer. Projects that benefit large portions of the community will be prioritised so let’s try to be as innovative as possible when it comes to thinking of ideas.”

“If this initiative proves a success, this could be the start of something much bigger and communities could start to see more power over how money is spent in their areas in the future.”
