Natalie Don officially becomes the SNP candidate for Renfrewshire North & West

Councillor Natalie Don has now submitted the relevant paperwork to stand as the SNP candidate for the constituency of Renfrewshire North & West in the Scottish Parliament elections on 6th May 2021.

Councillor Natalie Don said:

“It’s an absolute honour to be the SNP candidate for Renfrewshire North & West in the forthcoming election. This is the area I was brought up, one where I work and where I am raising my family – I wouldn’t have wanted to stand anywhere else.”

“There is no doubt that this is one of the most important elections in Scotland’s history and will determine our future.”

“The SNP is standing on a track record of putting Scotland first, looking to ensure that all decisions about Scotland are made here in Scotland. Even the Tories are now saying that an SNP win means we will have our Independence Referendum, that’s why it’s so important that everyone who believes in democracy, who believes that the people of Scotland are best placed to make the decisions about our future, should all vote for SNP in this election.”

“I have a strong track record as a local councillor – standing up for local residents and groups – and it is that determination and focus which I’ll take to the Scottish Parliament if I’m fortunate enough to be elected.”
