SNP Candidate Natalie Don calls for action following update on proposed new health centre in Dargavel, Bishopton

A long-awaited update on health provision in Bishopton has now been provided by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHS GG&C) Health Board following local concerns over a lack of progress on the issue. 

The Dargavel development has seen the population of Bishopton rise in recent years and there is growing concern within the community that the current health centre is struggling to cope with demand. A new health centre has been on the cards for some time and the Section 75 obligations related to the development note that a solution to the provision of healthcare facilities is to be agreed and delivered by the end of 2022. 

The health board have now provided an update on their plans to resolve this matter, to Gavin Newlands MP and SNP candidate for Renfrewshire North & West, Natalie Don, setting out steps with short, medium and long-term proposals. This includes immediate actions to review options to improve capacity within the existing centre in Bishopton, and in the long term, a costing exercise will be undertaken for a solution to improve capacity within the new development, with hopes that design work will take place in next financial year followed by construction thereafter. 

Councillor Natalie Don and Gavin Newlands MP have welcomed this update however they have also raised their concerns over the length of time this is taking and have jointly written to the health board, requesting more urgency and clarity.

SNP candidate and Councillor Natalie Don stated, “I am pleased that investment into health provision within the Bishopton area remains a priority for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board and I am glad to note some progress in relation to moving forward with a costing exercise for a new health centre within the Dargavel development as well as options to improve capacity within the current centre.”

“However, I am concerned that we are still in the very early stages. The Bishopton community deserve a resolution to this sooner rather than later. As a local councillor for Bishopton, this has been something which has been raised with me repeatedly, by many residents and I have been working hard to get a resolution. Having been previously advised that costing and design work would be undertaken in early 2020, I am extremely disappointed that there has been no, or very little movement on this since then. The Bishopton community have been very patient but concerns over health provision continue to rise and people are understandably angry about the lack of clarity.”

“Gavin and I have jointly written to the Health Board to request that a number of actions are taken and urge that this matter is treated with priority. I can assure residents in Bishopton that if elected as your MSP, this will remain an absolute priority for me and I will continue to do everything within my power to see a resolution, that works for the whole community.”

Gavin Newlands MP said “Councillor Natalie Don is correct in her call for clarity on the plans being put forward by Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board. When I met with representatives from the GGCHB and RHSCP in December last year I made clear that the communities of Bishopton and Dargavel required not only certainty but a tangible timescale which they could expect delivery on a solution that works for all.”
