Natalie Don MSP comments on recent GERS 2021/22 report

Commenting on the Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) 2021/22, Natalie Don MSP said:

“Although the GERs figures tell us nothing about the economy of an independent Scotland, they do reveal that Scotland’s fiscal position – according to GERS figures – is recovering faster than the UK’s. 

“Even excluding North Sea receipts, the revenue raised in Scotland covers all devolved expenditure as well as all social security spending – devolved and reserved – including state pension provision in Scotland, providing a sound basis for Independence.

“Even before the full impact of recent rising oil prices, we are likely to see Scotland’s deficit fall faster than the UK’s again next year.  With oil and gas revenue set to grow to £13 billion this year this highlights that the UK’s response to the cost crisis is built on Scotland’s natural resources.

“Every part of the UK runs a deficit under Westminster control.  According to the latest ONS figures the North West and North East of England along with Wales and Northern Ireland have greater deficits than Scotland.”