Response from Natalie Don MSP comments on Ofgem increase in Energy Price Cap

Responding to Ofgem’s price cap announcement today which will see the average household energy bill increase to £3,549 in October – a rise of 80% on the current cap of £1,971, Natalie Don MSP said: 

“We’ve already seen an Ofgem director resign as they claimed it was more interested in protecting the energy companies profits than the interests of consumers – more and more of whom will be in fuel poverty and facing the choice to ‘heat or eat’.

“York University predicted the continuing rises in the energy price cap will see almost 73% of Scots in fuel poverty!  This is way beyond an emergency, this is a crisis that many households and businesses are facing.

“Instead of acting to freeze the energy price cap and provide support, the UK government is posted missing in inaction! A caretaker Prime Minister who doesn’t care, while the rest of the Tories are more interested in lining up a job with whoever wins their leadership battle. 

“A rescue package similar to that used during the pandemic is needed; we need an emergency budget including scrapping VAT on fuel, doubling support for households, and delivering an energy price cap and energy grants for small businesses.

“Emergency funding from the SNP Scottish Government to support energy advice groups is welcomed but only highlights the restrictions of devolution.  We need the full powers of an independent nation so that we can tackle the obscene increases in the energy price cap and the devastating impact this will have on households and businesses.”