Natalie Don MSP welcomes increase and expansion of Scottish Child Payment

“This increase and extension of the Scottish Child Payment will make a big difference to many families”, said Natalie Don MSP.

The Scottish Child Payment has today been increased to £25 and been extended to include eligible children up to age 16.

First launched in February 2021 at £10 per week per child for children under the age of six, the Scottish Child Payment - unique to Scotland - provides direct financial support to eligible families and carers. Around 104,000 children already getting the payment will automatically see the payment increase to £25 per week – which represents a 150% increase within eight months. This is also the rate for all those now eligible up to age 16.

Following today’s extension, it is forecast that a further 300,000 children across the country will be eligible.

Natalie Don MSP added:

“The Scottish Child Payment is unique to Scotland and is the most ambitious child poverty reduction measure in the UK. The increased payment of £1,300 per eligible child is especially welcome when the Tory-created cost of living crisis is causing significant hardship for many families.

“I was proud to support the increase to £25 per week and the extension to all eligible children up to the age of 16 when this issue came before the Social Justice and Social Security Committee in the Scottish Parliament.

“It is no surprise that charities like Child Poverty Action Group and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation not only support this unique payment but are calling for the UK Government to replicate it as a serious attempt to tackle child poverty.

“I would encourage all parents to check if they are eligible for this benefit and apply for it as soon as possible.”

  • Ahead of today’s Scottish Child Payment extension and increase, the Scottish Government introduced bridging payments worth £520 a year to provide immediate support to around 145,000 children and young people of school age. A doubled payment of £260 will be made to eligible people in December.

  • Families, and carers can find out more and apply at or by calling Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222

  • Given the large numbers, the Scottish Government is expecting a high number of applications. This means that eligible people applying for the first time might need to wait to get their payment, with all payments calculated from the day they applied.

  • Families who already get Scottish Child Payment for a child under the age of six can add older children to their existing award.

  • The Scottish Government’s new cost of living website provides information and support for families: