UK Inflation hits 11.1%: Response from Natalie Don MSP

Natalie Don MSP said:

“With inflation now at a 41 year high of 11.1% it is clear that the Tory Government has lost all control of the UK economy.

“The ONS (Office of National Statistics) estimates that prices are rising even faster for the poorest households - by more than 16% for the families who spend the least. That’s because food and energy, whose prices are driving the rises in the cost of living, take up a higher proportion of their spending.

“The rise in inflation is being attributed mainly to the rise in food and energy prices.  Yet this Tory Government failed to act decisively on energy prices, wasting time on two leadership contests and allowing energy prices to go through the roof. In contrast France, which limited energy price rises is facing inflation of 6.2%.

“With threats to public services, tax rises and a further suspension of the Pensions Triple Lock coming from the current Chancellor ahead of his budget statement on 17th November, it’s clear that the UK economy is only going to get worse.

“After 12 years of Tory mismanagement of the economy from austerity to Brexit, it’s clear that Scotland is not well served by the Westminster parliament.  Scotland needs the full powers of independence to ensure we have a stronger yet fairer economy.”