Natalie Don MSP honoured to represent constituency at Remembrance Day events

“I am honoured and humbled to represent my constituents at Remembrance Day events across my constituency”, said Natalie Don MSP.

Remembrance Day is an important event for communities across Renfrewshire North and West, paying tribute to the sacrifices of those individuals from across the UK, the Commonwealth and Allied Nations which ensured the peace and freedoms that people enjoy today. It is also a time for reflecting on the peace-keeping and peace-making efforts of the Armed Forces today, trying to prevent war and the consequences of war.

This year is also an important one for the town of Renfrew, where we marked the 100th anniversary of the original unveiling of our War Memorial with a re-dedication service earlier this year.  I was proud to attend that ceremony and to lodge a motion in the Scottish Parliament in support of this event.

Natalie Don MSP added:

“Remembrance Day is important for all our communities, providing a focus on those we have lost though various wars and conflicts and showing respect for the sacrifices that they made.

“Scotland’s veteran’s community has given a great deal to society and it is right that we do all we can to provide the best possible care and support when they return to civilian life

“Throughout wars and crises, like in the recent pandemic, we’ve relied on the selflessness of our armed forces to protect our freedoms and keep us safe from harm, with many making great sacrifices to do so. Each and every one of us owes a massive debt to them all.”

Natalie Don MSP appointed Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee

“I am delighted to have been appointed as the new Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee,” said Natalie Don MSP.

Following the appointment of Elena Whitham MSP to the Scottish Government as Minister for Community Safety, Natalie Don MSP (Renfrewshire North and West) was appointed as the new Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee.

Natalie Don MSP, Convener of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Natalie Don MSP added:

“I would like to congratulate Elena for her appointment as a Minister in the Scottish Government and thank her for all her work as the previous Convener of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee.

“I am really looking forward to this new challenge, the committee has a wide remit and the decisions and investigations of this committee will have a real impact on the lives of many people in Scotland.

“This committee has recently produced some important work on poverty in Scotland including our ‘Robbing Peter to Pay Paul’ report, which looked at the challenges facing people with low incomes and debt problems.

“The committee has a number of inquiries ongoing including scrutiny of how new social security benefits such as the Adult Disability Payment are delivered by Social Security Scotland. 

“I’m looking forward to working with colleagues on the committee to ensure that people centred policies are developed to make our country fairer and improve the lives of Scotland’s citizens.  Dignity, fairness and respect must be at the heart of that.

The Social Justice and Social Security Committee was established in June 2021. It looks at subjects such as:

  • the Scottish Government's policies on welfare, poverty and homelessness

  • the social security system in Scotland

  • violence against women and girls and domestic violence

  • social justice (looking at ways to create a fairer Scotland)

  • third sector including social economy and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)

Natalie Don MSP highlights deadline for winter family payment

“I would encourage everyone who is eligible, and not already in receipt of Bridging Payments, to register for free school meals through their local authority as soon as possible to ensure they qualify for the December payment,” said Natalie Don MSP.

Families are being urged to make sure they don’t miss out on a double December Bridging Payment of £260.  The payment will be made ahead of the Christmas holidays to the families of children registered to receive free school meals on the basis of low income.

Bridging Payments were introduced in 2021 ahead of the roll out of the Scottish Child Payment to under-16s. Bridging payments are paid quarterly by councils on behalf of the Scottish Government. Families received up to £520 per eligible child in 2021 and will receive up to £650 in 2022. Bridging Payments currently support around 145,000 school age children. Total Scottish Government funding for the Bridging Payments will increase to an estimated £169 million across 2021 and 2022.

Scotland is the only nation in the UK offering the Scottish Child Payment, one of five family benefits delivered by the Scottish Government to support low income parents with the costs of raising a child. The Scottish Child Payment is currently available to families of eligible children under 6 years old and will open to applications for under-16s from 14 November.

Natalie Don MSP added:

“I wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on the Bridging Payment, especially as the Scottish Government has doubled the value of December’s payment.

“Applications for the Scottish Child Payment will also open to all eligible under-16s from 14 November, when it will be increased to £25 per eligible child per week – a rise of 150% in less than eight months.

“The Tory-created cost of living crisis is having a severe impact on many families, particularly for those on the lowest incomes. With pressures on family budgets increasing it is more important than ever to receive all the help available.

“With limited powers and a finite budget, the Scottish Government can only do so much to mitigate the cost of living crisis, but it will continue to do as much as possible for the people who need it most.”


  • All children registered for free school meals on the basis of low family income qualify for Bridging Payments.

  • The December Bridging Payments will be made before the start of the Christmas holidays for children who receive Free School Meals on the basis of low income on 30 November. Payments for children who are subsequently registered and become eligible for Free School Meals ahead of the Christmas holidays will be made as soon as possible in the new year.

  • The Scottish Government is working with councils to ensure families who currently receive Bridging Payments are aware of the enhanced support that will become available through the Scottish Child Payment from 14 November onward.

  • Information on support for households is available at 

Labour vote against plan to increase uptake of Scottish welfare cash: Labour and Tories team up again

Scottish Labour should be ashamed of “teaming up with the Tories” to vote against progressing the automation and take-up of Scottish social security benefits, and a plan to get cash into the pockets of eligible people more easily, according to the SNP.

The SNP government received backing to proceed with its plans to help more people get the benefits that they are entitled to. The automation of payments for the Child Winter Heating Assistance and Carer’s Allowance Supplement is already in place and the Scottish Government will now begin automation of Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment and Best Start Grant School Age Payment for those in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment from the end of this month, if Parliament approves.

This will mean thousands of families not needing to apply for the benefits they are entitled to.

The move to progress payment automation in Scotland's Social Security system is part of the SNP's priority to ensure fairness, dignity and respect is at the centre of its approach to support those who need it most.

Commenting SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

“Frankly, Scottish Labour should be ashamed of teaming up with the Tories, especially when it comes to social security - instead of supporting the SNP’s plan to get cash into the pockets of eligible people more easily during a cost-of-living crisis.

"This kind of blatant political game playing is not only pathetically tribal but, more importantly, it doesn't help the households struggling with the Tory made cost of living crisis just now - it is nothing more than opposition for opposition's sake and people across Scotland deserve far better.

"Unfortunately, Labour is offering no ideas, no solutions and no alternative to the Tories, making it crystal clear that the only way to properly protect the people of Scotland from the devastating consequences of Westminster control is to become an independent country.”

New Survey reveals continued trust in the Scottish Government

“These new figures from this year’s Scottish Social Attitudes Survey reveal continued trust in the Scottish Government, with 75% of people in Scotland believing the Scottish Government should have the most influence over the way the country is run,” said Natalie Don MSP.

The survey measured the public’s views on a range of issues including influence over how Scotland is run, levels of tax and government priorities, the economy, NHS and political engagement. Its findings reflect emerging public concern in the cost of living crisis, with 66% of respondents believing the economy had got weaker in the previous 12 months.

The findings also show:

  • 64% of people thought the level of taxation and spending on health, education and social benefits should be increased, whilst 32% thought the level of taxation and spending should stay the same

  • 68% agreed that income should be redistributed from the better-off to those who are less well-off, while 16% disagreed

  • over half of people (54%) in Scotland were satisfied with the way NHS Scotland is run

  • 98% of people thought it was important to vote in Scottish Parliament elections, 95% in local council elections and 92% in UK Government elections

  • 64% of people thought the Scottish Parliament was giving Scotland a stronger voice in the UK and only 7% thought it was giving Scotland a weaker voice

Natalie Don MSP

Natalie Don MSP added:

“The results of this survey highlight the public’s continued faith in the Scottish Government, revealing that 66% of people trust the Scottish Government to work in the country’s best interests.

“This clearly shows that the SNP led administration in Holyrood reflects the thoughts of the majority of the Scottish people, putting more trust in our Scottish Government to look after the welfare and public services of this country.

“Although this survey was conducted before the full extent of the Tory-created cost of living crisis took hold, it is clear that the Scottish public are more in tune with the Scottish Government on issues of taxation and spending on public services, as opposed to the Tory obsession with tax cutting and austerity.”


The survey has previously been conducted face to face but as a result of coronavirus restrictions in place at the time of fieldwork, this year’s survey was completed via telephone.

This change in methodology has impacted the nature of the sample and responses received, and as a result has affected comparability with survey data from previous years. This year’s report solely focusses on data from this year’s survey rather than examining trends over time.

Scottish Social Attitudes 2021/2022

The Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2021-2022 was conducted by the Scottish Centre for Social Research (ScotCen) between 21st October 2021 and 27th March 2022.

Natalie Don congratulates Anderson’s Home Bakery on 100th Anniversary

“I was delighted to pop into Anderson’s Home Bakery in Bridge of Weir to present them with a Parliamentary motion I lodged congratulating them on their recent 100th anniversary celebration,” said Natalie Don MSP.

Anderson’s Home Bakery in Bridge of Weir recently celebrated their 100th anniversary, serving the residents of Bridge of Weir and surrounding areas.  Throughout the various Covid lockdowns Anderson’s showed its commitment to he local area by not only remaining open but also provided deliveries for local residents, prioritising vulnerable or high risk customers.

Natalie Don MSP added:

“Anderson’s has been a staple of the Bridge of Weir community for as long as I can remember, one of my fondest memories from when I was younger was my Gran getting home on a Friday with a huge bag from Anderson’s to set us up for the weekend.

“It’s amazing to think how many generations have enjoyed their goods over the years. 100 years is a brilliant achievement and I wish Anderson’s all the best for the future.”

Motion Number: S6M-06233
Lodged By: Natalie Don
Title: Anderson's Home Bakery, Bridge of Weir
Motion Text:

That the Parliament congratulates Anderson’s Home Bakery of Bridge of Weir on celebrating its 100th anniversary; considers that Anderson’s has been keeping residents of Bridge of Weir and the surrounding areas well supplied with excellent cakes, pastries and other baked goods for the past 100 years; notes the ongoing contribution it believes that Anderson’s Home Bakery made to the local community during the various COVID-19 lockdowns, when it remained open and provided deliveries for residents of Bridge of Weir, including prioritising vulnerable or high risk customers, and wishes Anderson’s Home Bakery all the best for the future.

Liz Truss resigns as Prime Minister: Response from Natalie Don MSP

Natalie Don MSP said:

“This does not really come as a surprise, with the complete chaos we’ve seen since Liz Truss became Prime Minister.

“Her economic plans crashed the economy and her attempt to shift all the blame on her former Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng fooled no one.  Her position was untenable.

“She came into office and actually made things worse than the previous worst Prime Minister in history – Boris Johnson – but has even managed to set standards even lower.

“We’ve already wasted weeks during the last Tory leadership election contest – where no one was taking the decisions to tackle the cost of living crisis created by the Tories.  We will now have at least another week of confusion as Tory MPs alone will try to find a new leader and Prime Minister.

Natalie Don MSP

“It’s sheer hypocrisy that yet again we’re told that Scotland’s voters aren’t allowed to change their minds over the 2014 Independence Referendum yet here we have the Tories changing their leader yet again – and no voter having any say on this!  This is not democracy – this is shambolic and Scotland deserves better.

“It’s time for a UK general election and the issue of Scotland’s Independence must be at the forefront of any campaign.  We need to make our own decisions and not be dragged down by the political and economic chaos created in Westminster.”

Natalie Don MSP comments on the Chancellor's sacking

Commenting on the sacking of the Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, Natalie Don MSP said:

“This is simply a case of Liz Truss throwing her former chancellor under a bus, letting him take the blame for the economic mess that both she and him created.

“This is a desperate attempt by the Prime Minister to save her own political skin, only yesterday she claimed she was in lockstep with the former chancellor.  Liz Truss won the Tory leadership contest on the basis of her tax cutting agenda, so it is disingenuous for her to lay all the blame on the former chancellor.

“I previously called for the former chancellor to resign or be sacked for the devastation his mini-budget had on the UK economy, with up to £65billion having to be invested by the Bank of England to save pension funds from going under.

Natalie Don MSP

“Appointing the Jeremy Hunt as her new chancellor only highlights the lack of quality within the Tory benches. Mr Hunt hammered the NHS in England with his reforms and cost-cutting and now putting him in charge of the economy only fills most people with dread.

“Food and fuel prices are rising, inflation is out of control, mortgages and loans are rising faster than people can afford.  This is a UK Tory government which has lost control of the economy.  This is due to an unelected Prime Minister who simply doesn’t know what she is doing.

“Under successive Tory governments we’ve seen inequality rise, poverty rise and the economy failing.  We can’t afford to remain part of this union any longer, we need to have control of our own economy and that can only come with Independence.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes extra winter cash for low income families

“This move – to double December’s bridging payment – is another good move by the Scottish Government to tackle child poverty and has already been welcomed by child poverty organisations,” said Natalie Don MSP.

Families of around 145,000 children will benefit from extra support this winter to help with cost of living pressures – backed by Scottish Government investment of £18.9 million.

Bridging Payments were introduced in 2021 ahead of the extension of the Scottish Child Payment to 6 – 15-year olds.  The final quarterly Bridging Payment, due in December, will now be doubled to £260, meaning families will receive up to £650 per eligible child this year.

All children registered to receive free school meals on the basis of family low income are eligible and will receive this payment automatically.  Total Scottish Government funding for the Bridging Payments will increase to an estimated £169million across 2021 and 2022.

This is in addition to the Scottish Child Payment which will be extended to all eligible under-16s from 14th November and will rise to £25 per child per week on the same date – a 150% increase in the benefit within eight months.

Natalie Don MSP

Natalie Don MSP added:

“The Scottish Child Payment is paid to eligible families and is unique in the United Kingdom – no other government has introduced such a payment.  From an initial £10 per week per eligible child under 6, from November 14th, it will increase to £25 per week, per child and will also extend to families with children up to age 16.

“With winter coming we still need to do more, and I am delighted that the First Minister has announced that the Scottish Government will double the December Bridging Payment to £260.

“The Tory-created Cost of Living Crisis is affecting families and individuals all across my constituency and we know this winter is going to be really tough.  Hopefully this additional payment will go some way to helping those in most need.

Scotland is the only nation in the UK offering the Scottish Child Payment, one of five family benefits delivered by the Scottish Government to support low income parents with the costs of raising a child. Scottish Child Payment is currently available to families of eligible children under 6 years old and will open to applications for under 16s from 14 November.

Information on support for households is available at 

Natalie Don MSP is holding a Cost of Living surgery on Friday 14th October (10am – 1pm) in Renfrew Town Hall, for local constituents.  It is a free, drop-in event, with no appointment needed to attend and will have a number of agencies there to provide support and advice including Citizens Advice Bureaux, Advice Works, Home Energy Scotland and Social Security Scotland.

Natalie Don MSP welcomes new Fireworks legislation

“This new legislation, coming into effect on 10th October, will restrict the use of fireworks and pyrotechnics, reducing the harm caused by them and making our communities safer,” said Natalie Don MSP commenting on new legislation which also includes making it a criminal offence for anyone to supply fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles to a child or person under 18.

From the same date, attacks on emergency workers using fireworks or pyrotechnics will also become aggravating factors that can be taken into account when courts sentence offenders. The measures are set out in the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022 passed by the Scottish Parliament on 29 June.

The key powers are being brought into force in advance of Bonfire Night and build on steps taken last year restricting the times fireworks can be used, when they can be bought, and the quantity. Work is progressing to enact other powers set out in the Act, including the introduction of a fireworks licensing system, with mandatory safety training, for people wishing to purchase and use fireworks, and introducing powers for local authorities to designate firework control zones.

Community Safety Minister Ash Regan said:

“These important new powers have been delivered at pace and make it a criminal offence for anyone to supply fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles to a child or person under age 18.

“Fireworks in the wrong hands can cause serious, life-changing injuries or even prove lethal. Preventing their supply - in any way - to under 18s is a wholly welcome step which will bring greater public safety across Scotland.

Natalie Don MSP

Natalie Don MSP added:

“Reducing the negative impact of fireworks and pyrotechnics on communities across Scotland is at the heart of this new legislation. This legislation will ensure appropriate action is taken over the sale and use of fireworks as well as reducing the misuse of pyrotechnic devices such as flares.

“Many of us understand the terrifying effect that fireworks can have on our pets and it is something that I always receive a lot of complaints about at this time of year. Introducing restrictions on the days and times fireworks can be set off will help people to better prepare for comforting their pet and will reduce that element of surprise as we know that the unpredictability of when fireworks may go off is a major concern for people.

“This legislation is strongly supported by the public, with consultations from 2021 and 2019 highlighting that 92% agreed to criminalise the supply of fireworks to under-18s and 84% backing the introduction of a fireworks licensing system. I hope this legislation acts a turning point in the use of fireworks going forward”.

Natalie Don MSP welcomes emergency support for tenants

“This is important exceptional and temporary emergency legislation to deal with the ongoing cost of living crisis created by the UK Tory government,” said Natalie Don MSP, commenting on the passing in the Scottish Parliament of the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Bill.

This emergency legislation was introduced as part of the Scottish Government’s overall response to the emergency situation caused by the impact of the cost of living crisis.  This legislation is designed to offer increased protection to tenants who may be more vulnerable to the impact of the cost crisis, whilst also including safeguards designed to recognise that there are also impacts on landlords.

The main aims of the Bill will introduce:

·       a temporary freeze on rent increases;

·       a temporary moratorium on evictions (in the private and social rented sectors, college and university halls of residence, and purpose-built student accommodation);

·       increased damages for unlawful evictions until at least 31 March 2023; and

·       additional powers to reform rent adjudication.

The legislation would still allow for evictions related to antisocial behaviour or criminality and, to support landlords, three new grounds of eviction will be created, including where the landlord wants to sell or live in the property due to financial hardship, or where the tenant owes six months’ or more worth of rent.

Natalie Don MSP

Natalie Don MSP added:

“I am pleased that this legislation has been passed. The Scottish Government does not have the power to prevent people’s energy bills from soaring, but it can, and has, taken action to ensure that their rent does not rise and that they do not face homelessness.

“It was necessary to announce the emergency measures at the Programme for Government statement to avoid any pre-emptive raising of rents.

“Recent research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation found that almost a third of people who rent their homes in Scotland were already finding it difficult to pay their rent before the current cost crisis hit.  Although these will be temporary measures, they will provide much-needed security for many during an incredibly difficult winter.

“It remains essential that tenants continue to pay their rent and anyone struggling to do so should contact their landlord at the earliest possible opportunity.”



SNP MSP Natalie Don has backed calls for Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng to resign or be sacked following his shambolic handling of the UK’s finances.  

It comes as the independent Office for Budget Responsibility confirmed they offered to provide a forecast to the Chancellor to go alongside his fiscal statement, but that it was not commissioned by the UK Government. 

This was despite the OBR confirming it WAS able to produce an updated forecast that satisfied the legal requirements of the Charter for Budget Responsibility.

And the calls to quit have intensified after Prime Minister Liz Truss refused to rule out her Government slashing benefits and cutting £18billion from public services – which threatens Scotland’s budget and our NHS - to pay for Kwarteng’s staggering incompetence in mishandling the economy.

Commenting, SNP MSP Natalie Don said: “The fallout from the new Truss administration’s ‘mini-budget’ has been huge, taking a wrecking ball to the UK’s finances, endangering the pension funds of millions, causing banks to withdraw mortgages and leaving millions of families in Renfrewshire North and West deep distress. 

“We now learn that despite the OBR publishing their forecast to the UK Government, the Treasury will delay the publication until November 23. This is simply unacceptable. 

“It’s been a disastrous first few weeks of the Truss premiership but if the rhetoric from the Conservatives is to be believed, much worse is yet to come. 

Natalie Don MSP

“Within days of taking office, we have once again seen the devastating consequences of Scotland being shackled to this outdated, corrupt Westminster system. Mortgages, pensions and savings of the people of Renfrewshire North and West are all being badly hit – and there is no plan to fix it. 

“Instead of trying to dodge accountability or, as we now know, drinking champagne with hedge fund managers on the night of his budget, the Chancellor must do the honourable thing and resign or be sacked.

"And Truss’s plan to impose a new wave of Tory austerity cuts is utterly obscene. After 12 years of Tory mismanagement and Brexit damage, the UK already had the worst levels of poverty and inequality in north west Europe.

“The UK government should be reversing the damage it has caused, not doubling down on cuts and pushing more people into poverty.

“These actions underline the need for Scotland to become an independent country - so we can escape Westminster control and get rid of the Tories for good.”


SNP MSP Natalie Don, has today welcomed the news that 17,193 children and young people in Renfrewshire and 10,775 children and young people in Inverclyde are benefiting from free bus travel since the introduction of the SNP Government's scheme for under 22's.

In figures released yesterday, the Scottish Government revealed that - as of 12 September 2022 - a total of 483,931 children and young people across Scotland are cardholders under the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme and that a total of 21,723,100 journeys made under the Young Persons’ (Under 22s) Free Bus Travel Scheme since its introduction.

Natalie Don MSP promoting the Scottish Government’s free bus travel for under 22 year olds

Commenting SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North & West, Natalie Don said:

"It is brilliant that so many children and young people in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde are already benefiting from the SNP Scottish Government's free bus travel and I want to make sure that even more young people take advantage of this.

"This initiative is not only about helping our young people get about more often and more easily - whether that be local journeys or journeys right across Scotland - but it is also about embedding more sustainable travel behaviour from a young age which will support all of our efforts to tackle the climate emergency.

"It also is a key way of maintaining vital services in many areas, especially rural or outlying ones, and can provide help to people struggling with the cost of living crisis right now - by making travel affordable."

Natalie Don MSP supports Recycle Week

“Recycling is so important in our fight against climate change, everyone can do their bit by recycling as much as you can,” said Natalie Don MSP, commenting on Recycle Week which runs from 20th – 26th September 2022.

First staged in 2004 and organised by the Recycle Now brand, Recycle Week is the UK’s largest annual recycling campaign.  The week of action involves business partners, community groups and local authorities, with Recycle Now claiming that more than 3,000 businesses and individuals “joined the #RecycleWeek conversation” in 2021.

For this year, Zero Waste Scotland is launching the first ever Recycling Sorter, a digital recycling tool which allows Scots to search what items can be recycled, and in which bin, in any Scottish local authority. This tool will simplify and bring clarity to recycling ensuring that all households are recycling more of the right things in the right places. Sorting the right recyclable items into the right bin means they won’t needlessly end up in landfill. 

Natalie Don MSP

Natalie Don MSP added:

“Almost half of people admit that they could increase the amount of recycling they do and I think for most of us. At times it can be a little confusing and time consuming but it is extremely important.

“This is a really handy tool - the Recycling Sorter cuts through some of the confusion. This tool will inform people of what items can and can't be recycled and how to prepare items for recycling and includes hints and tips to make it easier at home.

“Anything that helps to encourage people to recycle is a good thing and hopefully this will help us reach our recycling targets.

When it’s done right, recycling is one of the easiest everyday actions we can take to reduce our carbon footprint.”   

Zero Waste Scotland’s Recycling Sorter is available at:


104,000 children have been supported by the Scottish Child Payment since its introduction, according to figures released by the Scottish Government - with £84 million having been paid to families.

Since its introduction 18 months ago, the Scottish Child Payment of £20 per week per child has been hailed 'an absolute game changer in the fight to end child poverty' by anti-poverty charities and described as a “lifesaver" by parents. 

The payment, unique to Scotland, provides regular financial support to parents and carers to help with the costs of caring for a child and latest research has also found that the payment is contributing to reducing child poverty in Scotland.

The Scottish Child Payment is set to increase to £25 per week and be rolled out to all children up to 16 years old by the end of the year.

Commenting SNP MSP Natalie Don said:

"During a Tory-made cost of living crisis, it is great to see the progress being made with the SNP's Scottish Child Payment - especially knowing the huge difference it is making to families across Scotland.

Natalie Don MSP speaking in the Scottish Parliament

"As the pressures on household finances become even greater and families are struggling to get by, we know the Scottish Child Payment is providing lifesaving support for some of the most vulnerable in our communities. 

"Sadly, we know that the cost of living is only set to increase so I am glad that families will benefit even further from this payment increasing to £25 per week and being extended to under 16 year olds by the end of the year. 

"During these difficult times, the Scottish Government is taking the bold action it can to support families with the powers at its disposal but sadly it is battling against a cruel Tory Westminster government refusing to take any meaningful action to help people.

"This level of negligence by Westminster is inexcusable and illustrates the only way to build a fairer country is for Scotland to have the full welfare and tax powers of an independent country."

Natalie Don MSP welcomes lowest crime rate in Scotland since 1974

Crime has dropped across Scotland by 43% under the SNP

Natalie Don MSP has welcomed the release of the latest crime statistics which show Scotland’s recorded crime levels are at their lowest since 1974.

Figures show for the year ending June 2022, recorded crime fell by 5% compared to the same period last year and has fallen by 43% since 2006-07, when the SNP took office.

The findings are also reflected in the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey published earlier this year which showed 1 in 8 adults were the victim of a crime in 2019/20, significantly less than the 1 in 5 recorded in 2008/09. It also showed that people in Scotland were less likely to be a victim of crime than in England and Wales.

Commenting, Natalie Don MSP said:

“Renfrewshire North & West continues to be a safe place to live, just like the rest of Scotland with thousands of fewer victims of crime than when the SNP took office, with a 43% reduction since 2006/07.

“The Scottish Government’s commitment to keeping our streets safe is backed up by increasing the policing budget by £40.5m for 2022-23, bringing the total budget to almost £1.4bn.

“Under the SNP the number of police has also increased by 3.5% compared to when we took office. There are also more police officers per head in Scotland than the rest of the UK with 32 officers per 10,000 population in Scotland compared to around 23 in England and Wales.

“There is of course always work to be done to ensure our streets are even safer and that is why the SNP Scottish Government has made £48 million available to organisations that support victims over the next three years, putting victims at the very heart of our justice system.

“Recorded crime across Scotland continues to fall and it demonstrates why it is only the SNP that can be trusted to keep Scotland safe.”

Natalie Don MSP welcomes extension of Adult Disability Payment

Renfrewshire North & West SNP MSP Natalie Don has welcomed the start of Scotland’s new Adult Disability Payment which is now being extended to cover the whole of Scotland from Monday 29th August 2022.

This benefit is open to those aged between 16 and state pension age who are disabled, have a long-term health condition, or have a terminal illness.  This is the twelfth benefit to be introduced by the Scottish Government, with seven of these benefits being brand new forms of support that are not available elsewhere in the UK. 

Natalie Don MSP said:

“The Scottish Government’s approach to delivering disability benefits has been designed with people with lived experience of disability benefits and is taking a different approach to that of the UK Government. People will be treated with dignity and respect and will start from a position of trust. There will be no private sector assessors and applicants will be given greater choice to help them, including times and locations of meetings, with home visits available.

“We know that applying for disability benefits through the DWP has often been a stressful experience. I hope that this new system will make the process much more straightforward and will remove some of the degrading examinations which were carried out previously, such as asking a person to ‘touch their toes’. 

“Adult Disability Payment is there to support people to live well and provide security at the most difficult of times. I would encourage those who think they could be eligible to check and apply.”

Adult Disability Payment will be administered through Social Security Scotland and will replace Personal Independence Payment, which is currently delivered by the Department for Work and Pensions.  People already receiving Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance do not need to make an application for Adult Disability Payment. These existing awards will transfer automatically from the DWP to Social Security Scotland. Cases will transfer in stages starting from this summer and this process is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Response from Natalie Don MSP comments on Ofgem increase in Energy Price Cap

Responding to Ofgem’s price cap announcement today which will see the average household energy bill increase to £3,549 in October – a rise of 80% on the current cap of £1,971, Natalie Don MSP said: 

“We’ve already seen an Ofgem director resign as they claimed it was more interested in protecting the energy companies profits than the interests of consumers – more and more of whom will be in fuel poverty and facing the choice to ‘heat or eat’.

“York University predicted the continuing rises in the energy price cap will see almost 73% of Scots in fuel poverty!  This is way beyond an emergency, this is a crisis that many households and businesses are facing.

“Instead of acting to freeze the energy price cap and provide support, the UK government is posted missing in inaction! A caretaker Prime Minister who doesn’t care, while the rest of the Tories are more interested in lining up a job with whoever wins their leadership battle. 

“A rescue package similar to that used during the pandemic is needed; we need an emergency budget including scrapping VAT on fuel, doubling support for households, and delivering an energy price cap and energy grants for small businesses.

“Emergency funding from the SNP Scottish Government to support energy advice groups is welcomed but only highlights the restrictions of devolution.  We need the full powers of an independent nation so that we can tackle the obscene increases in the energy price cap and the devastating impact this will have on households and businesses.”

Natalie Don MSP comments on recent GERS 2021/22 report

Commenting on the Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) 2021/22, Natalie Don MSP said:

“Although the GERs figures tell us nothing about the economy of an independent Scotland, they do reveal that Scotland’s fiscal position – according to GERS figures – is recovering faster than the UK’s. 

“Even excluding North Sea receipts, the revenue raised in Scotland covers all devolved expenditure as well as all social security spending – devolved and reserved – including state pension provision in Scotland, providing a sound basis for Independence.

“Even before the full impact of recent rising oil prices, we are likely to see Scotland’s deficit fall faster than the UK’s again next year.  With oil and gas revenue set to grow to £13 billion this year this highlights that the UK’s response to the cost crisis is built on Scotland’s natural resources.

“Every part of the UK runs a deficit under Westminster control.  According to the latest ONS figures the North West and North East of England along with Wales and Northern Ireland have greater deficits than Scotland.”